OldvsNew Member


  • HELLO LADIES!!! I'm in need of new/more friends here on MFP!!! I love to hear about other women that are going through the same things I am.....Not that I enjoy my struggles, or the struggles of my fellow BBW, but it gives me peace and motivation to know that I am not the only one. PLEASE ADD ME!!! Thanks!
  • I'M UP FOR THE CHALLENGE!!! CW: 330.2 GW: 220.2 I just started counting my calories again and I started back at the gym yesterday. I stepped on the scale Sunday night and about passed out!!! Gained all this weight back....No wonder I've been so sluggish and uncomfortable! LET'S DO IT!!!
  • Hello Girls!!! I need help! I was diagnosed Insulin Resistant and PCOS years ago and like all of you they like to chock it up to being over-weight! I'm tired of the diagnosis without any "help" or instructions other then LOSE WEIGHT! I'm fed up and angry! I am new to the group and would love to hear from you all about the…
  • Hello All!! I have been a NON-active member of MFP for almost a year, but have not taken this journey very seriously. Oh how things have changed. I want this change. I NEED this change. now I'm in the frame of mind to make the sacrifices and hold myself accountable in order to finally see this weight disappear. Coming from…
  • I'm not so much "new" per-say, as I am RE-MOTIVATED!!! Add me if you would like. Like minded people. Supportive people with the same goals and struggles!!! SIGN ME UP!!! I need friends too!!