

  • Tara, I'm glad you found this site. You've come to the right place. Thank you for reminding us that we need healthy bodies AND healthy self-esteem to be the whole person we want to be. Good for you!
    in Hello Comment by ReddZee December 2010
  • It's not easy; you're right about that. But I've already found out the people here can help tremendously and that makes it easier.
  • I have noticed that GF foods seem so much bulkier and heavier than regular foods of the same kind. It's one of the reasons I need to track my eating using this site. I need to be more conscious of what's going in.
  • This is so great! I no longer feel like such an outcast--I'm in good company! Thank you all so much. do I "friend" people? Sorry to be so dumb about this.
  • This is the best news I've heard all week! I love butter! Okay, moderation.:happy: