
gethealthygetfit Posts: 70
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Tara and I am here looking for support on my weight loss journey. I have only been struggling with my weight for the past 4 years. Before that I never had a problem. I was always between 130-150 before that. Now I am sitting around 206 and there are many factors that come into this. I have Fibromyalgia which is a chronic pain and fatigue disorder so that has a lot to do with it. I was in a car accident around 4 years old, nothing serious, but enough to mess up my back pretty good. It caused the Fibromyalgia to flair up (it was undiagnosed then), I couldn't exercise anymore, they were trying different antidepressants and birth controls on me and that's when the weight gain started. I was depressed so I turned to food, even more so because the guy I was married to didn't like my curves. He kept trying to make me lose weight, he would call me names and be very mean to me. Instead of losing weight it made me gain weight. We have been divorced over two years and now I am with a man who love my curves, but I think because of all the medication I am on for a now diagnosed Fibromyalgia it makes things harder.

I am trying very hard to lose weight. I like being curvy, but I don't like being 206. I don't want to be an unhealthy curvy. I mean a lot of people don't even know how much I weigh, a lot of people think I weigh less, but I know it's not good for my body. My boyfriend, Rick, doesn't think I need to lose anything, but he supports my weight loss. It's nice to have good support. But I need a place to come and write about it more, especially from people who are also losing weight. Losing weight is one of the hardest things are person can do. I used to have an eating disorder, which is probably why I gained weight with my ex, he was telling me to go back to my eating disorder even though I had been in recovery. I think it made me do the opposite. I know it's not right, but still.

Well, that's a long introduction, if you read it all thank you. I hope I can find this place very helpful and encouraging. I hope I can lose all the weight I need to hear.


  • rozsbluejay
    rozsbluejay Posts: 303 Member
    I read it all. First off F**K your ex. He made me mad. Your first task is to forget about him completely. You made a great choice into coming here. Its my first day too. You have a great guy with great support. You are in the right place. I love reading about peoples lives whether personal or success. I love to give insight. Feel free to add me as a friend, I will read the posts. I too, am looking for motivation as well and tips. If you also have anything to share about that I have two eyes to read what you write. Everyone has an opinion and you have the right to be here just like everyone else. Just make your priorities: forget the past, look at the future, and not matter how long it takes you, because you are battling against Fibromyalgia, you will get there. Any body can do it. That's why this community is here.
  • donbogi
    donbogi Posts: 175
    My name is Tara and I am here looking for support on my weight loss journey. I have only been struggling with my weight for the past 4 years. Before that I never had a problem. I was always between 130-150 before that. Now I am sitting around 206 and there are many factors that come into this. I have Fibromyalgia which is a chronic pain and fatigue disorder so that has a lot to do with it. I was in a car accident around 4 years old, nothing serious, but enough to mess up my back pretty good. It caused the Fibromyalgia to flair up (it was undiagnosed then), I couldn't exercise anymore, they were trying different antidepressants and birth controls on me and that's when the weight gain started. I was depressed so I turned to food, even more so because the guy I was married to didn't like my curves. He kept trying to make me lose weight, he would call me names and be very mean to me. Instead of losing weight it made me gain weight. We have been divorced over two years and now I am with a man who love my curves, but I think because of all the medication I am on for a now diagnosed Fibromyalgia it makes things harder.

    I am trying very hard to lose weight. I like being curvy, but I don't like being 206. I don't want to be an unhealthy curvy. I mean a lot of people don't even know how much I weigh, a lot of people think I weigh less, but I know it's not good for my body. My boyfriend, Rick, doesn't think I need to lose anything, but he supports my weight loss. It's nice to have good support. But I need a place to come and write about it more, especially from people who are also losing weight. Losing weight is one of the hardest things are person can do. I used to have an eating disorder, which is probably why I gained weight with my ex, he was telling me to go back to my eating disorder even though I had been in recovery. I think it made me do the opposite. I know it's not right, but still.

    Well, that's a long introduction, if you read it all thank you. I hope I can find this place very helpful and encouraging. I hope I can lose all the weight I need to hear.

    Tara, I joined the day after Thanksgiving and I have one regret...why the heck didn't I hear about this site a long time ago! You will find this site full of supportive people and great topics covering all sorts of angles on a healthier lifestyle.

    I, too, have had struggles with weight loss. My wife has pleaded with me for the last 10+ years to do something about my weight and now I'm committed to her and our children that I will lose 50 lbs. In addition to the weight loss struggles, I have other obstacles...hypothyroidism, high cholestorol and blood pressure. All three are controlled with medication, but my goal is to lose the weight and get off these pills (if possible).

    Feel free to add me as a friend and let's keep in touch and share ideas!

  • nonoark
    nonoark Posts: 153 Member
    Welcome to the rebirth of you! This is the site that all of us wanted but never new about. This will be the best support system that you will find. I find that most of my computer time is spent on this site. Why? Not because I have to, but I WANT to. I never thought there would ever be a time that I would ever "want to" when it came to weight loss. Always figured it was like Taxes, just something you HAD to do. The people here are amazing. It took me a while to come to grips with why (always looking to understand the why's of things). We have all arrived her threw different roads to the same common goal. Some stronger then others and some more tattered, but all understanding that our goals are hard to come emotionally and physically. There are a lot of people in our lives that will never fully understand and even more that just want to be there for the final result but not the road to get there. Here you find every reason to "want to" rather than "have to". If someone doesn't mix well with you, You have the option to block them. No one really knows anyone else, but we have all become a family on the road to a healthier lifestyle and can help teach each other by our own mistakes. Good luck to you!!!! Oh, add me if you like...I promise not to rattle on as much as I just did! :smile:
  • hi Tara,
    I think it takes lots of boldness for you to share. THANKS for your sharing, i am very proud of you that you have taken a an awesome step to a healthier you! I like to be curvy too:bigsmile:
    mfp is a great site where you can get great support, info in loosing weight.
    1st, set your goals & take it a step at a time. Positive thinking & confession helps.
    i had the same problem, depression & i turned to eating, some called that emotional eating. i was so depressed that i slept & eat & isolated myself.
    But one morning, its a miracle that I looked at myself in the mirror long enough to find the reason to change!
    So i went to library & thank GOD i found a great book where i can go through daily page by page to get out of depression. From that day on, a day at a time, a step at a time, i got out of my depression & started to change my lifestyle.
    Loosing weight is hard, but all of us at mfp are heading towards a healthier us every day! Some may loose weight slowly & some are shedding fast, but we are all loosing our extras together!.
    By share our breakthroughs in loosing weight & help each other face challenges in mfp builds up daily.
    Your current boyfriend is very sweet, 100% much better than your ex... : p : p
    Exercise plus reading up more your diet, heart rate etc, will help very much.
    My husband bought me a Polar Trainer watch, FT60 last month. I love it! It helps me train & know my maximum heartrate, resting heart rate & the different benefits in training at different zones based on my heart rate.
    And with the back pain, always listen your body as you work out. Don't over train, when you need to rest, please rest.
    I had lower left back injury & it creeps up pretty often. Sometimes, my back pain can be very demoralising, discouraging, but i've learn to be positive about it, listening to our body is really important. Many people just ignore & ended up over training their bodys, that's not right.
    Read up polar watch website, it is very helpful. Without proper rest & recovery for our body after workouts is a hindrance in loosing weight too. I strongly in believing, Work hard, play harder. exercise right & eat right.
    If you need any info about the polar ft60 watch, feel free to ask, i will be most willing to help.
  • iambayd
    iambayd Posts: 235
    Hi Tara! I am very sorry your ex treated you the way he did, but I am happy that you found the strength to leave that abusive relationship. You will find so many helpful and supportive people going through the same weight loss journey here. I love this site. Log everything you eat and be honest with yourself about it. I found that to be difficult in the beginning. Exercise when you feel up to it, but like others have said don't over do it and hurt yourself. Even things like cleaning can be logged as exercise. Good luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • Wow, thanks everyone for the wonderful welcome. I am liking this site already. I can see what you guys mean about this is what everyone was looking for, but didn't know existed. I found it on my phone oddly enough, it was under the apps. I signed up for it because it was free, but I love it because of how convenient it is. I also love the website because it's easy to use, but has everything you need. The layout is wonderful. And you guys are so nice, which is always helpful.

    I look forward to sharing my journal with you all. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can support each other. :smile:
  • :flowerforyou: Hello Tara,

    I was in the same situation. And it is an awful thing that Jerk did to you but none the less he is an *kitten*. Good to hear your trying to do better good luck and just like you I'm starting out again.
  • I took the time to read your whole post and I just want to thank you for having the courage to post your story. Just know that all of that is in the past and it sounds like you have done well finding someone who will support you and loves you no matter what.

    Many people on this site are very supportive and encouraging. You have come to the right place and I wish you much success with your journey.
  • Hello Everyone,
    I think I've found the right message board for me! Been participating in a different one that isn't panning out. Thank you so much for sharing your story, Tara!

    I tried to start making some healthy lifestyle changes about half way through college, with a maximum weight of 190. Too much for only being 5' 5"! Over the past 6 years, I've slowly trimmed down about 25 punds to where I am now. I want to lose another 20 and start to think about maintenance instead of worrying about loss all the time.

    Donbogi, how did your wife finally convince you it was time to make a change? I am having the same struggle with my husband and need some new ideas to motivate him.

    My first goal is to start tracking on here every day. I'm getting into a good rhythm. I've only missed 3 days since joining on November 22nd. This is a great segway into the New Year! Next goal will be to exercise more, once this head cold finally leaves me alone so I can breathe normally again.

    Looking forward to sharing this challenge with everyone!
  • Tara, I'm glad you found this site. You've come to the right place. Thank you for reminding us that we need healthy bodies AND healthy self-esteem to be the whole person we want to be. Good for you!
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