

  • It depends on what you like. Do you like wine, Technik and Barroc Palaces? Denn south Germany and the Stuttgart Region ist beautifull, with wine near the Neckar River, Mecedes Benz and Porsche Museum in Stuttgart and Ludwigsburg Barroc Palace and barroc gartens, just like in Versailles. Three days hier are enough! Munich…
  • Hello Danica! Let me see, if I understand you. You just want to lose 10 pound with this diet. You´ve already lost 5 (I guess, it was during the Attack phase. Now you´re on cruise and with five to go. I´m doing the diet also and finisch today my Attack-Days. In Pierre Dukans Book says, that you shouldnt eat any carbs during…
  • Sorry, can you help me? Whats TDEE? I thought I should eat the number of calories as showed... I´m new around here. Thank you!
  • Yeahhhhhh! Those Pants say it all! Go Girl!
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