timfitzy Member


  • Hands down the best resource for a beginner is Starting Strength - Mark Rippetoe. The book is pretty lengthy and given your time constraints I would say that maybe watching some youtube videos of him explaining various movements would be the way to go. As long as you have a barbell, weights, and a rack, you should be good…
  • Of course. Im not a fan of crossfit in general, but I do respect its not threatening environment for girls that just wanna train with weights without being stared at. Always pays to do research on the credibility of any place first.
  • Girls should not be scared of lifting weights. The impact it has on body composition in females is amazing, take a look at some female olympic lifters in the lighter weight classes - not an iota of freakishness about them. My girlfriend used to be a 'cardio bunny' until I got her doing heavy squats and deadlifts and she…
  • My favourites are any Shots, Spirits with any zero calorie mixers (eg. vodka lime soda, rum & diet coke, etc) or just straight, as well as dry wines or low carb beers on occasion too. Just remember to stay strong and not blow your diet while under the influence! ;)
  • Bit late on this but i'll join in anyway for the rest of the month. 25/1 (I'm in Australia) Sumo Deadlift 100kg (220 lb) x 6,6,6. Chin Ups x 5, 4, 4. One Arm Dumbbell Row 32.5kg (71.5 lb) x 10, 10, 10. Hyperextensions 10kg (22 lb) x 12, 12, 12. Hammer Curls 15kg (33 lb) x 8, 8.
  • I think carbs have got such a bad reputation the last couple of years and its completely uncalled for. Although *technically* carbs are the least important macronutrient because we can survive without them (as your body can convert protein to glucose for energy) , I don't see any reason to cut them out as long as you put…
  • Honestly, he would be better off eating real food. It will keep him fuller than any shake will, just make sure he gets on to MFP and tracks his food. But if he's sure he wants shakes, have a look into Casein protein (Optimum Nutrition make a good one) - haven't come across anything better in terms satiety for a shake.