

  • My favorite is when they ask, "How much do you weigh?" like it wasn't okay for them to ask me that when I was big but now that I am small it's okay? my other is, "what have you eaten today?" I know it is just out of concern, but come on now! Really? They didn't dare ask something like that when I was big but now that I am…
  • I had gastric too. You are welcome to add me as a friend. I am new on here as well. Struggling with whether I should be happy where I am or keep pushing to be smaller. Is smaller nessesarily healthier for my body type? I too posted in a forum and got no replies. Below is what I posted: I am 30 years old and had gastric…
  • I am 30 years old and had gastric bypass a year ago september. Best decision of my life. I was 270 and right now I am teetering between 124-128. I really would like to be 120. The doctor said to expect to be about 135 for my size so i guess I am okay there. It is just hard to get out of the mindset that I need to loose…