Annoying comments

mommycline Posts: 106 Member
I get a lot of comments and compliments now that I have dropped a ton of weight (100+ pounds). I think the most annoying one I heard was, "Wow, you lost a lot of weight. You are so pretty now." Really!?! Guess fatty me looked liked something out of the garbage disposal. LOL What are some things you have heard that have irked you? Just looking to start a conversation... :)



  • mommycline
    mommycline Posts: 106 Member
    Other one was recently, I think the lady didn't want to tell me I was so fat and lost so much weight so instead she said, "You look different." Umm thanks. ;)
  • kasmusic3PA
    kasmusic3PA Posts: 36 Member
    I like the one when someone asks what was your weight before surgery and they come back with
    "Unbelievable you didn't look that big" What do they think. That is absolutely why I had the surgery
    because I was that big. DUH...........
  • miss_erynn
    miss_erynn Posts: 140 Member
    I like the one when someone asks what was your weight before surgery and they come back with
    "Unbelievable you didn't look that big" What do they think. That is absolutely why I had the surgery
    because I was that big. DUH...........

    YES! THIS!! Every single time, all my friends say, "You didn't look that big." I sum it up as them being able to see past my weight issues.... and they didn't judge me based on how much I did weigh.
  • I haven't really said too much to anyone but it was commented at me that I took the easy way out.
  • healthybabs
    healthybabs Posts: 600 Member
    I have not had surgery yet but one of my favorite pre-surg comments...."You have such a pretty face, just think of how you would look if you lost some weight!"....thanks *kitten* hole!! I have pretty much decided I am not going to tell "people" I am having it. Of course my parents and husband and a few close family members know but that is going to be it. Everybody in my life pretty much knows how I have changed my eating habits and exercise regimine over the past few years. Since I look at this as another tool to help me become healthier I am going to respond to their questions/comments with a kind smile and affirmation that I have been working my butt off. Hopefully I can get away with that!
  • mandyabraio
    mandyabraio Posts: 112 Member
    I haven't really said too much to anyone but it was commented at me that I took the easy way out.

    I am getting my surgery on Nov. 5th..and let me tell you THIS IS NOT the easy way out!!! About to start my pre surgery diet Friday and I am scared to death...
  • mommycline
    mommycline Posts: 106 Member
    I have not had surgery yet but one of my favorite pre-surg comments...."You have such a pretty face, just think of how you would look if you lost some weight!"....thanks *kitten* hole!! I have pretty much decided I am not going to tell "people" I am having it. Of course my parents and husband and a few close family members know but that is going to be it. Everybody in my life pretty much knows how I have changed my eating habits and exercise regimine over the past few years. Since I look at this as another tool to help me become healthier I am going to respond to their questions/comments with a kind smile and affirmation that I have been working my butt off. Hopefully I can get away with that!

    I didn't tell hardly anyone except family and a handful of friends. Almost 7 months out and when people comment on my weight loss I thank them, smile and then I am on my way. It is non of their business how I got here. I still work my butt off, sweat, and sacrifice to lose this weight.
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    I always take comments as compliments. I find that people are trying to be nice, even if it comes out as awkward and less than appropriate at times. Hey, I do look better than I used to, and I did used to be wicked fat.
  • I haven't really said too much to anyone but it was commented at me that I took the easy way out.

    I am getting my surgery on Nov. 5th..and let me tell you THIS IS NOT the easy way out!!! About to start my pre surgery diet Friday and I am scared to death...

    good luck to you lady and you can do it. we are here for you

    oh I know all to well it is not the easy way out.

    I did almost 2 weeks pre-surgery diet of 600 cal a day. then 2 weeks liquid diet post surgery and it was hard trying to find stuff that I wouldn't dump.

    anyone that says it needs their head examined.
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    I had lapband on 6/28. Only family and a few friends know. I don't feel it is an easy way out. It takes dedication and commitment to alter your body. I am doing this to help me finally get to a healthy bmi and to feel better about myself.

    I think that the most annoying comment has been - what are you doing to lose weight? When I reply watching what I eat and exercise - seriously this is what was said - What do you mean watching what you eat and exercise. No = aren't you on a plan? I jsut shake my head and smile.
  • mandynsnuf
    mandynsnuf Posts: 81 Member
    Just today someone looked at my work badge and said, "I don't remember you being THAT fat!"
  • I have not had surgery yet but one of my favorite pre-surg comments...."You have such a pretty face, just think of how you would look if you lost some weight!"....thanks *kitten* hole!! I have pretty much decided I am not going to tell "people" I am having it. Of course my parents and husband and a few close family members know but that is going to be it. Everybody in my life pretty much knows how I have changed my eating habits and exercise regimine over the past few years. Since I look at this as another tool to help me become healthier I am going to respond to their questions/comments with a kind smile and affirmation that I have been working my butt off. Hopefully I can get away with that!

    Oh yes, my family's favorite quote "You're such a beautiful girl when you're thin" - what the Heck?! Healthier - okay maybe. More active sure....but good grief.
  • My favorite is when they ask, "How much do you weigh?" like it wasn't okay for them to ask me that when I was big but now that I am small it's okay? my other is, "what have you eaten today?" I know it is just out of concern, but come on now! Really? They didn't dare ask something like that when I was big but now that I am not it's perfectly fine? Oh, and" what size are you?"
  • sneed818
    sneed818 Posts: 3 Member
    This really made me laugh. Through out the years my weight has been a roller coaster. It aggrivates me when I want to complain about my weight (because I am feeling sorry for myself at the time) and some one says but you are so tall and you carry your weight well. I'm like tell my knees and ankles how well we carry it at 6ft tall!!

    ** Here's to surgery at the end of January**
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    The ones I love is "how much weight have you lost" then you tell them then they kinda look at you and are thinking "you weight that much to begin with?!?!" They don't say it but ya know they are thinking it. I think some people are being kind and they just kinda don't think what they say when they see ya. I went to a recent event for a dog training club I am a member of and saw alot of people from out town I haven't seen in over a year. Some didn't even recognize me after loosing 100 pounds. One woman came up to me saying how good I looked and how pretty I was but then said you were also pretty though. Then she pinched my cheek! What the hell!?!? Some people don't have good boundaries or invading a persons personal space I guess. I know she was trying to be nice but it was weird.
    I haven't told hardly any one I had WLS Sleeve surgery, My mom knows, my hairdresser and 2 co workers and my boss knows. People at my support group know too of course but that is it. I decided it is easier just to keep it to a few people and less of hassle. One day I might tell more but for now that works for me.
  • Jamielynn_77
    Jamielynn_77 Posts: 85 Member
    my favorite is, ' look so...sick.' :grumble: really? or, there is, 'well you only lost that weight cause you cheated'

    some people will never know what its like to struggle. I just roll me eyes and walk away. I am proud of my choice and proud of who i am today!
  • karen_golfs
    karen_golfs Posts: 377 Member
    I'm scheduled for gastic sleeve surgery onb December 10, 2012.
  • karen_golfs
    karen_golfs Posts: 377 Member
    I always take comments as compliments. I find that people are trying to be nice, even if it comes out as awkward and less than appropriate at times. Hey, I do look better than I used to, and I did used to be wicked fat.
    That is such a good attitude. That is my plan.
  • Newbody72
    Newbody72 Posts: 30 Member
    Now since the weight loss people say Wow you loss a lot of weight. I say yeah, then they respond yeah you were really big. You used to woddle and now you walk normally. I say thanks, and then say why wait until now to say something. They respond by saying I didn't know how I would take the criticism.
  • Newbody72
    Newbody72 Posts: 30 Member
    At the end of the day that is what matters. As long as you can look yourself in the mirror and be alright with your decision then hell with all the haters.