

  • JFC, you are a piece of work. What I said is, we've eliminated two of the three macronutriants as the source of heart disease. Until the third is eliminated, it is just as likely the primary cause of CVD as is sugar or air. It was not a conclusion nor a definitive statement. If you choose not to believe how CVD develops,…
  • Thanks for playing. Ignorance in the age of information is a choice. Best of luck to you and your's.
  • You can start here: You realize how CVD works, right? You eat refined carbs (as part of your Standard American Diet), which raises the level of triglycerides in your blood. In the presence of high trigs, "small, dense" VLDL are created, , while decreasing the production of HDL.…
  • Carbohydrates, especially refined carbohydrates, cause heart disease. The science will show this, but studies can't be created overnight. Now, if you choose to continue to consume them and go down that path, that's okay with me. But as for me and my house, we will serve meat.
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