

  • Yes, they can happen anytime and what I noticed last night was that I wanted to binge BECAUSE I'd eaten all my food for the day. If I can keep eating I still have the "power" - I'm still in control. Crazy, right?
  • Long "chat" with myself last evening - hand is till cramped from all the stream-of-consciousness writing. The upshot of which is this: It may be about hunger, but it's NEVER about food.
  • I think not bringing this stuff into the house IS having control! Baby steps!
  • It's not about food. That's what I tell myself on my good days - you know, the days I DON'T sabotage myself. So, if its not about food, what IS it about. If I can dig, I can sometimes get past it. Or sometimes I tell myself - what 15 minutes and by that time, I've gotten distracted. Or sometimes, I just eat :embarassed:
  • Yes, that's me too. It's like I go into la-la land and just eat. I haven't found the magic bullet to stop myself yet, but one thing I've noticed is that once I'm "in" there is no stopping. So perhaps the trick is to avoid going "in" there. So, maybe figuring it out how I get there? I don't know. I have noticed that as long…
  • Gosh, how I needed to read this today. Too many cookies; too much guilt. Back on the horse with protein. Thank you!