

  • A lyric that roams my brain and surfaces every so often is a from Marvin Gaye's song, "Let's Get It On." He starts the song with, "We are all sensitive people..." As I become healthier psychically, I find that my sensitivity is comes to the fore. To me this signals a need to care of myself more and to allow myself the…
  • I hope you don't mind I used the term color. It was not my intention to trivialize. It was more to say that we are not our diagnosis. We are so much more than that. And that was my attempt to acknowledge that. I think one of the harder issues we have to deal with is the medication. Sure it is helpful, goodness I think it…
  • I too am looking for friends with psychiatric disorders to lose weight with. I think the extra bit of "color" in our lives makes it hard to manage. But we can do this! I have, and have had, severe anxiety and some depersonalization. I am actually going to be diagnosed again soon. Let's be friends.