

  • For me, I was able to lose while on the pills (a variety of kinds as I've been on many.) I had to stop taking the pill due to migraines. So my doctor put me on the Depo Provera shot and I loved everything about it. I was headache free, didn't have to worry about swallowing a pill every day, no period at all... but I gained…
  • I don't really have a goal weight really. I prefer to track my progress by measuring my waist (scales are triggering for me so I seldom use it to track my progress unless I am curious, I am recovering from an eating disorder as well). My current is 33 inches. My (short term) goal is 28 inches. If 28 inches is still too…
  • At my lowest weight, I did not cut out a single carb. Just calories. Even now that I'm tracking on here which tracks everything.. I don't get upset if I slightly go over my carbs. Actually, I've tried Atkins and other protein based diets before... I felt soooo sick trying that. Bloated, constipated, gross. Gained all the…
  • If you're trying to drink more water... what I usually do (I am at a desk a lot as well) is use a cup with a lid and straw instead of a water bottle so I am forced to keep it on my desk so that I can SEE the water. That will make me want it more for some reason. They say out of sight out of mind... well for me and water…
  • I used to have an eating disorder and I am going to be blunt here. Everyone with an eating disorder has different attributes and behaviors some don't exercise at all, some exercise to burn all the calories they eat (that's called exercise bulimia), some exercise to burn even more calories than they ate. Eating disorders…
  • Also I noticed you asked the types of things you should cut out of your meals, I thought I'd add onto my post with some of that... Usually I cut out dairy products. No cheese on a dish can make a big difference in calories! Always take a glass of water or iced tea over milk. If you drink warm tea, try doing just some honey…
  • This is just what works for me eating around that much. Usually when I decide to try to lose weight I usually eat around 1200-1400 cals. To maintain I usually eat around 1500-1700. I've lost 4lbs in the past two weeks by eating two large meals and healthy snacking throughout the day. This is what I plan on eating today to…