

  • Hi! I am goingo attmpt to answer your questions but they are tough! :) For carss that are healthy I do alot of beans, and whole grains. You could look up veggies, grains and beans online and try to see which are lower in carbs. Not sure how tofu is on carbs. I never seem to go over but I may at a higher weight than you. I…
  • Be careful. I have been seeing a naturepath (sp) to assist with weight loss and medical issues. He said the goal is 1 lb per week. Anthing more than that will make it really easy to gain back and your skin won't have as much time to bounce back. I started at 255lbs so maybe it is common to lose more than that at first if…
  • GEAT JOB!! STICK WITH IT! Strange how it feels so good huh? I would steer clear of the chinese. I have read alot of recent things about chinese food about how it was alywas presumed healthy but what they cook all of the veggies and stuff in is not good. Not to mention the MSG. I have been on a very strict healthy, bland…
  • Thank you. How do I know if I am getting to the right amounts, like too much carbs or not enough? Like for each thing?
  • Greetings, I just joined. This seems to be a great way to track food, etc. I am curious though, how do you find out if your totals are where they should be. Like I know how much fat and fiber I should have each day but what about carbs, protien etc? I don't see anything on this website that provides this kind of info. I am…