meredithaloring Member


  • Hi Michele, Everyone's BMR differs based on a bunch of factors, how old you are, how much you weigh, what % body fat you have and how your metabolism works. The estimates that are calculated on MFP and other sites are just that, estimates, and your BMR could vary significantly from another person your size and age. In…
  • You should definitely open up your diary so we can see the content of your meals. While cardio helps in many ways, diet is the KEY to weight loss, and all calories are not created equal. If you are eating simple carbs and spiking your blood sugar, you are burning less calories and storing more fat. Also, if you're eating…
  • My advice: Don't cut out the cardio until you hit your weight loss goal. Do weights in addition to cardio in order to build up lean muscle mass. For me, I can lift the most weight after I warm up a bit (20-30 mins cardio). How you lift is IMPORTANT - doing lots of reps with low weight is NOT going to build muscle mass. You…
  • Don't get too hung up on the number on the scale, as your weight can fluctuate majorly because of hormone levels and water retention. If I were you I would focus on the diet and exercise, try to find a combo that makes you feel GOOD and stick with it. The weight will come off eventually. It does take some time to feel good…
  • I disagree with 1ConcreteGirl, unless the goal is to maintain your current weight (I'm guessing that you want to lose weight if you're using MFP). If you want to lose weight you need a calorie deficit, period. Depending on how fast you want to lose the weight, you may or may not want to eat less than your base calorie…
  • The errors you saw were likely from your tracking device and not from the strava app. Super competitive people LOVE strava - and I am one of them!
  • Hi there, If you've set up your garmin correctly (with your height, weight, VO2 Max, Resting Heart Rate and zones heart rate) that data will be the most accurate. The other services (Strava, etc) use a more generic calculation that doesn't take into consideration your heart rate- they use speed, height and weight instead.…
  • I think if you can set up a 'buddy system' with someone you're close with, so that you can reach out when you feel a binge coming on, they can help you stay strong. I do this with one of my friends and I think it helps. I also share my food log and I remember, when I am about to eat something I shouldn't, that everyone can…