

  • Take each day at a time and remember that it is a marathon, not a sprint!.. Keep your chin up and you will get there.
    in hello Comment by Shivs75 February 2011
  • A shot of Jack Daniels and Diet Coke only has 65 calories. Definitely my "Go To" drink when needed!..
  • Definitely medium rare steak, but sushi would be tough too. Just to tasty too give up either...
  • I LOVE my milk. I have been able to drop down to 1% instead of 2%, but there is just no way that I can drink Skim. Kind of like when you buy the fat free butter or cheese verses the low fat stuff. The fat free tastes like crap, but the reduced fat is tolerable. As much as I hear about fat not being good for you, it always…
    in milk Comment by Shivs75 December 2010