I have dropped off the wagon so many times it is not funny!! But, since I started all over again in January, I messed up pretty bad for probably the whole month of April. That being said, I just pushed myself not to get so far gone, that I couldn't come back. I did realize, though, that I just feel so much better,…
I like them both... but I am going against the grain, too, and pick # 1. It is more form fitting and very ooh la la!!! Congratulations!! And, you can buy boobs... if you want. LOL
Wow... what an inspiration!! You look great and HAPPY!!!
United States - North Carolina, originally from Pennsylvania.
MIB (Making It Big) - has swimsuits that are swimshorts with a tank top. The tank top is long and covers up my belly. Also, Junonia has nice suits. Both of this stores are higher priced but the suits are very well made and long lasting.