So I'm stuck....

johnm8703 Posts: 118 Member
Ok so I've kinda been in maintenance mode for the last 2 months...gained and lost the same 5 pounds I've been dealing with the fact that my mom was diagnosed with brain cancer 2 months ago. So needless to say between responsibilities to my wife and kids, job, and my mom and dad I've been running ragged.

That being said mom is finally done with radiation and I'm trying to give myself a kick start to get out of "maintenance mode" and back in active weight loss mode.

So I guess my question is to anyone in here that's "fallen off the wagon" and had to get back on. What tactics did you use/find helpful for getting your butt back in gear?

Thank you all for the suggestions in advance.


  • PineLaurel
    PineLaurel Posts: 5
    I have dropped off the wagon so many times it is not funny!! But, since I started all over again in January, I messed up pretty bad for probably the whole month of April. That being said, I just pushed myself not to get so far gone, that I couldn't come back. I did realize, though, that I just feel so much better, physically, when I am good. I don't feel sluggish, blah or just bad. So, that it what I am going to use as a motivator when I slip now.

    Also, said a quick prayer for your Mom... this is a terribly rough time for you. Don't be too hard on yourself. Best of luck!
  • squindles
    squindles Posts: 350 Member
    Hi. Don't give up!! You have to put it into perspective & look at how far you've come. I know you don't want to undo all that hard work, do you?!! Remember how you felt BEFORE you lost the weight!!!!!!! I've just had 5 weeks where I've put on a couple of pounds and started to lose the plot!!!! But I though, "heck no, I'm not giving up this time!!" I've ALWAYS given up trying to lose weight. Then I always put back on what little I've lost PLUS loads more! :sad: You CAN do this hun!! :happy:

    Love, hugs and prayers sent to you, your mum and all your family xx
  • johnm8703
    johnm8703 Posts: 118 Member
    Thanks guys! I appreciate the support. I decided to get myself back to paying better attention to everything and had a good week last week. Today I decided to get myself back to the gym and start working out again. Hopefully, life will stay on the track that it's currently on for a while without too many changes.

    Thanks again for the support and suggestions. I definitely welcome others suggestions too. This is probably something that we have all struggled with at some point in time.
  • bgpeck2
    bgpeck2 Posts: 28 Member
    Here's a little something that I have learned...everyone messes up every now and then and "falls off the wagon". If we are all 100% truthful with ourselves, at least...Used to, once I messed up, I thought "that's it, let's just blow this thing in style"...but what I have found, is that instead, just continue as best you can, will be better in the long run...Once I've learned that, I've found that even though occasionally I may fall off, at least I don't get ran over and dragged by that danged wagon... :)

    And, grats' on your good week, here's to many more...
  • EweCreekCottage
    EweCreekCottage Posts: 324 Member
    I think the best thing was what you did- ask for help- there is something so empowering about humbling yourself at least for me humbling myself and saying the truth is this this is where I am at I don't like it any more and I need help on how to move forward.
    So glad you had a good week and here is to continuing forward with that I myself am rededicated to logging after a two week break. I will keep you and your family and your Mom in my prayers.