bigmog Member


  • One of the many reasons I am soo happy I have a home gym now. Sure there are exercises I can not do because I might be missing the appropriate weight or what have you, but all in all I feel comfortable there, and I think that is key to working out :) NO SILLY GIRLS DURING MY WORKOUT :)
  • Awesome job!!! Keep it up - your doing awesome!!
  • Congratulations on taking the first step. One tip I can give is if you are doing any physical activity, make sure you have fun with it. Be consistent with your food log, and overall be honest! Good luck, and feel free to friend me, I am always looking to give and get help!!!
  • Awesome job!!! I too am getting started again and hope to get tips from you all. Have babies at home and am working full time, so am finding it hard to fit in regular excercise. Before I stopped I had lost 12 pds in a little over a month (5 of which I know is most likely water, but felt great either way), unfortunately…
  • I have been with it for a while, but of course fell off the track for a while with a knee injury. Now I am trying to start again, and can only give you the advice of take little steps for your excercise. I found adding 5 minutes of excercise here and there helped. I too have babies at home (one 16 months and the other 2…