

  • Cant go wrong with BFD, i did that last night!!
  • Mediterranean Rice tonight See Recipe!!! Its hard not to eat more than you should, but it is absolutely fantastic. A family favorite in my house and really not that bad for you.
  • Breastfeeding helps me lose an extra 600 calories so I have a little extra help right now. And as I go a log with the calorie counter it helps me think my meals out more. I'll also be starting insanity. I did day one last week but my calves hurt like hell for 4 days :(. Overall from my experience, I have three kids, cardio…
  • We have the same goal of losing 20, I have been doing this since Saturday and it has really helped me watch how much I'm eating. Already lost a couple pounds already. I love it, good luck to you!
  • Just think of all the bad stuff they are putting in their bodies. I just started this whole "diet" after having my third daughter, i dont have ALOT to lose, but i found my self going up in weight rather than down. The way i have always stayed at a good weight has been a combination of light to heavy exercising (depends on…