I've just been adding it under circuit training.
I just did day 3 today. The first day almost killed me haha. I also don't seem to have the coordination to do side planks.
I almost took the day off yesterday but then I decided at 10:30 pm to just do it. I will be doing day 9 of level 2 tonight. So far, I've taken one day off each week but on those days I've done a lot of walking outside, it was a good substitution and gave me a break from Jillian for a bit haha.:)
Not feeling very motivated today but I'm going to do level 2 day 6.
Way to go everyone! I just did day 5 of level 2. Halfway there!
Way to go! I decided to finish up level 1 yesterday and I started day 1 of level 2 today and I was a sweaty mess! But the upside is I've lost 4.7 inches total so far and feeling good :)
Awesome job. You look great! Keep it up :)
Finished day 7 level 1 and substituted the workout on the weekend so I'm just going to do 1 more day of level 1 and move on to level 2.
I just did day 6 of level 1. I took a break from the video for the weekend but instead on Saturday I did a 10km walk and on Sunday I did 10km of rollerblading.
I'm on day 4 of level 1. For the past 3 days I've had sore arms and legs, but today I woke up and my muscles hardly hurt at all. Just finished the workout and made it through with no breaks.
Day 3, level 1 = done! My arms are sore from pushups and walking up and down stairs is a challenge haha. I also walk and do a lot of stair climbing during the day (about an hour of walking each day) in order to get to and from class. Hopefully my muscles will get used to this workout soon - probably just in time to start…
Just did day 2 of level 1. My legs and arms feel like jelly but I did it! only 28 more days to go!!
Hey! Looks like I'm with everyone here in hoping to lose 10-15 lbs by Christmas. Feel free to add me :)