rebz2945 Member


  • I'm 19 too! Feel free to add me---everyone can use some encouragement!
  • No biggie. I think the ultimate goal should be learning how to eat everything and make everything work for you. If you completely cut out fast foods or other "unhealthy" things, how realistic is it that you'll never have it ever again? You've got to eat normal things. You've got to do normal things. You just have to learn…
  • Hi! I'm a sophomore. Thankfully, I didn't gain the Freshman 15 (I think just because I commute so I'm eating at home 90% of the time) but I'm definitely looking to lose about 30 lbs and live a healthier lifestyle. Would be great to have some friends in the same or similar situations. =]
  • I just finished my first month and I'm on my second day of Recovery Week (and glad for it, because, man, was I getting tired!). Good luck! Semi-terrified for Month 2, but determined to get through it!
  • Pretty eyes!
  • Love that picture! So fun!
  • Me! I'm 6 feet tall, and at my heaviest I was 250. The lowest I've been is 193, but right now I go between 205 and 210. I just hate the idea of being over 200 lbs, even though I know I carry it well and I don't look that big....I'd still like to get down to around 180. Best of luck!