Insanity workout

I am starting the insanity workout on Monday. Is there anyone out there that is doing it now? Or starting it? It would be super cool to find someone to do it together. Then we can stay motivated together.


  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I am going to start Monday ideally. A coworker is loaning me his DVDs... so it just depends on if he remembers.
  • Super cool! lets become Insanity buddies. Have you done it before? Are you in shape already? Do you think its going to be hard?
  • afoz1990
    afoz1990 Posts: 89 Member
    Hey! I am currently doing it! It's tough but SO worth it! Stick with you I promise you love the endurance you build and the weight you lose!!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    I am doing it. I did day 5 yesterday :) tough but worth it. My butt hurts so bad today lol.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Oh heavens no. I'm so out of shape. This is going to be super hard I think. I've never done I, but I've heard enough stories to know its going to kick my butt. I can't wait! :)

    I'm totally down to have an Insanity buddy. It will be nice to have someone out there hurting as much as I am. Lol.

    How about you? Have you ever done it before? In shape?
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    I just started it last week. Make sure you do the fitness test first. It teaches you lots of the moves.
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    LOL, I just finished last week. Month 2 makes the first month look like the kiddie table. BTW Recovery week is not RECOVERY, the man doesn't know the meaning lol! It is so worth it in the end, good luck ladies....Kick some SHAUN T'S *kitten*!

    OH YEA...when you do the fit tests in Month them on the Sunday, don't do them on the will know why when you start the 2nd month and you will be happy you did it the day before...TRUST ME on that one!
  • I've done some of the workouts, does anyone know the average calories burned in one? I can't find any stats on the beachbody website.
  • afoz1990
    afoz1990 Posts: 89 Member
    I've done some of the workouts, does anyone know the average calories burned in one? I can't find any stats on the beachbody website.

    The calorie burn varies quite a bit, with size, height, how long you can stand doing the workouts.... My first week I kept taking breaks because I was dying haha so I would only burn about 300-400 cal. The rest of the first month as my endurance progressed I would burn upper 600s. I have friends on here who have different stats (weight/height) than me who can burn almost 1000!!! Now that month 2 has started it's even crazier...there really isn't an avg because of all the different factors. I would suggest an HRM or manually taking your HR after each circuit and write it down some where so you stay safe for one, and can estimate a calorie burn.

    (edited i forgot a word lol)
  • what day are you on?
  • KL_24
    KL_24 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm on week 3 of insanity! It's great. I love how the workouts are only 40 min but so rewarding afterwards! I die when I have to do ski abs/in and outs for the plyometric cardio circuit but other than that i am lovin it. Cant wait to see some results!
  • mia840
    mia840 Posts: 42
    My tracking history says it should be delivered Thursday!! Super psyched to start!! I know it's gonna be really tough but I want the challenge :) can't wait!! Good luck everyone!!!
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    LOL, I just finished last week. Month 2 makes the first month look like the kiddie table. BTW Recovery week is not RECOVERY, the man doesn't know the meaning lol! It is so worth it in the end, good luck ladies....Kick some SHAUN T'S *kitten*!

    OH YEA...when you do the fit tests in Month them on the Sunday, don't do them on the will know why when you start the 2nd month and you will be happy you did it the day before...TRUST ME on that one!

    Excellent advice from my Insanity buddy!! Here's a link to my before/after pics on my blog, in case you are interested:
  • onyx
    onyx Posts: 2
    Starting monday as well. I did it a while back so I know what to expect. No pain, no gain... or loss... or whatever. lol.
  • BecciJG
    BecciJG Posts: 55 Member
    Hi, I did my fit test yesterday but im actually starting properly on monday once my children are back at school. The fit test was tough but its made me want to get stuck in and work my butt off! Feel free to add me anyone who wants to.
  • KL_24
    KL_24 Posts: 28 Member
    I am not sure if i'm the only one not doing the nutrition plan that comes with it..let me know! I am 19 and a college athlete so I am doing a nutrition plan i found on instead..its a great resource for workouts and nutrition if anyone wants to take a look!
  • rede2go
    rede2go Posts: 82 Member
    Lol! i am just gonna start the recovery week! I was hoping it would be a good rest.... thanks for setting me straight. I am not looking forward to the 4 weeks after but I will push through and do the best I can. thanks for the input!!!
  • rebz2945
    rebz2945 Posts: 10 Member
    I just finished my first month and I'm on my second day of Recovery Week (and glad for it, because, man, was I getting tired!). Good luck! Semi-terrified for Month 2, but determined to get through it!
  • hhaffner
    hhaffner Posts: 25 Member
    hey everyone
    I am currently on the 3rd workout of week 2.
    Insanity is totally working or me.
    Always looking for some insanity friends feel free to add me ^_^
  • rizzaG
    rizzaG Posts: 110
    Hi Swimcam, I'm on day 54! Congratulations in choosing Insanity it will give you a whole new perspective about fitness and guess what? you deserve it so give it your all and the rewards will be phenomenal. Insanity has become a part of my lifestyle somewhat addictive in a good way I can't imagine life without it to be honest I plan on starting it back up again once I finish we'll see. Goodluck and dig deeper!