

  • I feel less alone knowing that there are others out there that have issues with gaining weight like I do. :) Feel free to post any tips/tricks etc to taking in a lot of calories (healthily of course!) I find it hard to consume 2600 cals a day when I am super busy.
  • Thanks for your support ladies :) its hard to explain it to people that don't understand what its like to have problems with GAINING weight...for me, when I am stressed, I pretty much stop eating. It drives my boyfriend crazy because he says, "JUST EAT!". Ah, if it were that simple :) Have any of you experienced any…
  • I've been trying to drink whole milk regularly; I am just worried the amount of fat in it will raise my cholesterol. Thanks for your suggestions :)
  • I am already pretty lean and fit, but due to extreme stress, I need to gain some weight back (approx 5-7 lbs). I work out regularly--alternating weights and cardio, so decreasing my exercise isn't an option. I've try weight gaining shakes with minimal results. I just need relatively healthy calorically dense food ideas! :)
  • I am in the same boat as you! I have lose 7 lbs from my petite frame and I am trying to gain it back...I'm at 110 now and I am 5'4". Cat