

  • Protein Monkey Brownies 1/3 cup Peanut Butter 2 ripe Bananas, mashed (medium sized) 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract 2 Tablespoons Sugar Free Torani Syrup (I used SF Vanilla) 2 Tablespoons Milk (I used Vanilla Soy Milk) 2 Tablespoons Sugar Free Maple Syrup 2 1/2 cups Oatmeal, dry 2 scoops Chocolate Protein Powder 2 Tablespoons…
  • Hi - I'm Christie. I had my sleeve surgery in May 2011. I had lost a total of 123 pounds - than wound up with some unrelated medical problems which created some stress eating and drinking that I quickly gained about 10 pounds. I had a brain decompression surgery on October 1st this year, I'm at home healing and focusing…
  • I order BSN protein powder from - good price and follow some of the recipes from Do a seach on the blog - she does lots of neat creative and yummy things with the protein powder. I make a good protein ice cream if I…
  • I had the sleeve in May of 2011. Have been very successful - lost the first 100 pounds mostly in the first six months. Total loss was 123 pounds. The rest had been more slowly after the first six months. . Now that I"m a year out I can eat more - definitely not like before surgery but more than the first year. I recently…
  • I just bought one the other day, chopped it up (minus the skin) and made some chicken salad with it. I take plain Greek yogurt, onion poppyseed dressing, chopped almonds, sliced grapes. salt and pepper and mix together. My husband eats as a sandwich and I eat over lettuce. I also love to turn a rotisserie chicken into soup…