Mikulam93 Member


  • Congrats on your success so far :smile: Your measurements definitely resemble an hourglass. ^like the above mentioned. Choosing a weight that you need to reach because you think that weight is superior for your body shape is selling yourself a bit short, don't you think ? I don't want to stamp all over your goals, but I've…
  • Hey IIFYM friend :) Because you said you're new to this, let me share a little story with you! I made the switch just over 6 months ago. I was a bikini competitor, lost a sh*tload of weight on a clean-eating plan, which ended up destroying me psychologically. I regained all the weight, plus more. Developed Bulimic habits…
  • I use flexible dieting and have no issues with stopping at one cookie. But realised the one thing I cannot control my self with is a jar of Nutella. It's not allowed in the house anymore. LMAO.
  • If you're new to exercise, it could be a shock to your body. Especially if your stomach strength isn't developed. Best to rest it for a few days, and do some very gentle stretching exercises 2-3 times a day. If your posture and form wasn't right you may have tweaked a muscle for sure. Best advice is to get a trainer to do…
  • You can eat as much bread as you want as long as it is within your carb limits, and given that you meet daily fibre and nutrient requirements. I.e. If you're eating 100g Protein, 200g carbs and 50g fats each day. If you choose to use 100g carbs on breads, then that's totally fine, as long as you're hitting at least 25g…
  • I am a creature of habit and tend to stick to one thing until I get sick of it :smile: I loveee sweet breakfasts. Right now it is protein oatmeal. 50g Rolled Oats 1 scoop PharmaWhey (make into a paste with water first, otherwise it curdles in the hot oats) 1 tbsp Chia Seeds 1 tsp coconut oil 1/4 cup Berries Yum Yum!
  • This is a super late reply considering the thread is a year old..But whatever :smiley: Quest Bars bloat me and constipate me. I know this for a fact because as soon as I have 1-2 days off them, bam no issues. Everyone reacts differently to food. What i've learned is that it doesn't matter if its all natural, super…
  • (1) Can't answer as my diet has been a bit all over the place (2) Yes ! While increasing calories back to normal, I found that if i actually stuck to them (no over-eating chocolate and crap), then my body would start getting leaner again (3) Why so much cardio? If you're burning up to 3000 calories/week from activity,…
  • Its hard to say without knowing your height/weight but on a general basis.. Before i begin, great job with the water intake! Now.. Before i nitpick the diet, your cardio levels are very high. 4 sessions a week is quite extreme. It will promote cortisol hormone levels to rise in your body (promotes fat storage). And you may…
  • Most peoples BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is around 1400 calories a day at least. This is the amount of calories your body needs to function healthily. If you eat in deficit of this, your body will store fat and you will feel terrible. The best method is to use the Harris-Benedict formula or another if you know. This is…