

  • You must be feeling so chuffed! congratulations! :)
  • Ergh, I hate salad :( damn you! looking forward to the calf raises though!
  • I used to feel like this, but I've found the more I do, the more energy I have. Ive gone from sitting on my bum all day watching TV, eating snacks, and not even being motivated enough to go out to the pub, let alone get to the gym! To eating crazy healthy, going to the gym four times a week, and working out everyday with a…
  • Just thought, don't think I could achieve the spend time with fam and friends challenge, as I've recently moved, and they're on the other side of the country!!! unless I count chatting with you guys on the forum :D
  • I smoke occasionally .... how would the squat challenge work?? have an amount to do over the two weeks and keep chipping away at it? like "today i did 50 squats, bringing me up to 150 of my 400 squats" ?? And I'm a fan of the sleep challenge! I could do with getting my 8 hours a night in :)
  • WOW! So glad you had the results you where wishing for today hun!! :) You must be feeling soooo gooooooood! xx
  • CONGRATS!!! You will reach your goal in no time at all now! Just don't forget about us :) Yesterday I drank over 2 liters of water, and Managed half an hour cardio... well 20 mins, but its close enough right? And it was 30DS wish is extra hardcore.... so in my mind im justified in saying half an hour lol! Not had a bath…
  • Well proud of you for turning down the red velvet cake! That's some strong willpower you got!! :D Its gonna be so worth it in the end!! Eyes on the prize girls haha!
  • Also.... I FINALLY MANAGED TO DRINK MORE THAN 2 LITRES OF WATER IN A DAY!!!!! WOOP WOOP! gotta run and go pee again though.........
  • Hey Brittany :D Were doing biweekly challenges, and at the moment (if i remembered it right) we are aiming for 3 x 30 min's exercise a week, at least 2 litres (67 oz) water a day, and also to relax and have a nice bath at least once a week! Also we do a mix of talking bout our days and how we've hit our goals, so do both!!…
  • This 30 day shred will be great! I recon you'll be fitting into them size 5 pants in no time at all! Almost had my two ltrs of water for today, also did 45 mins in the gym with my personal trainer and level one of 30DS Just got to keep up with the water!!
  • Hey Ellie :) emotional eating is a hard one to crack, but replacing it with the gym sounds like a good idea! I struggle with the same thing so If you want you can add me as a friend and we keep an eye out for one another? Too early in the day to do my report... but so far doing pretty bad... pear cider being the only fluid…
  • right! I've just had a lovely long hot bath :) and I've drunk one pint of water.... about a quarter of what I was supposed to but its a start eh? no exercise yet, but I've got a week to make up for that!!
  • I'm totally intrigued with 30DS, I hadn't even heard of it before coming on here! Is it any good?
  • erm didn't log in yest but here's for today :) fruit: clementine veg: carrots exercise: none.....
  • right! Daily report time :) Fruit: One juicy nectarine (yum yum) Veg: One veg pot made by innocent (equivalent of three portions apparently) Exercise: 45 mins on the exercise bike
  • don't worry meowthania, your not alone on this, I was full of cold this weekend, so excused myself to eat almost an entire dominos pizza and garlic bread.... ended up about 3,000 cals over... not so good D: But when you feel rubbish all you want is stodge
  • right today's progress: fruit : fruit salad veg: sweetcorn, chopped tomatoes exercise: 20 minutes on my exercise bike woop woop!
  • Fantastic! Well I better get cracking then eh? Are you guys posting your results daily?
  • I would like to join too please :D I have no friends on this and I'm two weeks in on my weight loss journey!!
  • I think I'm going to have to use you guys as my role models! I started two weeks ago and have lost 8 pounds, but need to constantly re motivate myself!