

  • i totally get what u mean im using it for a few months while i figure out my body. its more of a jumping off point to get me going. and supposidly a wsy to loose 10% in ur first month. like i said im new to this n really trying to figure it out, but this is just a starting point
  • thats a great idea. thanks. y didnt i think of this :)
  • this is different then the one im doing. close but different
  • its the encouraged diet for the food addicts annonymous meeting. my mom did amazing on it so im trying it out but i am no convinced. as ive said just seems lkke entirely to much food. breakfeast: 6oz protien, 4oz whole grain, 6oz fruit lunch: 6oz protien, 6oz cooked veggies, 6oz raw veggies, 6oz fruit, 1tbs fat dinner:…
  • my goal is 170 i have large hips n booty :) n e thing smaller i start to look like s crack head. this will put me back in my size 7 jeans