

  • This is why people comment that 1200 is not enough. 2000 calories at 5'1 and still losing weight. What happens when you stop losing weight eating 1200 calories, you have to eat less or do more cardio. Theres not much food that you can cut from, cant really go anywhere. Whereas at 2000 calories it is easy to get past little…
  • I agree with the chemical comment! Can definitely taste it in the chocolate sauce, doesnt quite taste right. But then again for a zero calorie syrup you cant expect too much. More of a fan of the pancake syrup, seems to taste more like a regular product. Problem with the price (like so many products in the UK) is the…
    in Walden Farms Comment by yakube June 2013
  • From Kent, UK - feel free to add
  • 20 year old from Kent here. Been using MFP for a 2 months or so. Currently trying to add weight rather than lose. Have been able to up carbs up 90g a day in since starting out and havent yet gained any weight! Slowly does it. Feel free to add