Walden Farms

I'm from the UK but thought about trying some walden farms products, being "calorie free" they seem like a nice idea to help the sweet tooth. Have tried the chocolate saurce and pancake syrup. What are you thoughts on walden farms products?


  • LazySugar
    LazySugar Posts: 12
    Plenty of people will go on about chemicals and whatnot, and others will say they hated the fakey taste. Personally I tried the chocolate sauce and found it alright, not awesome, but brightened up a rice cake if I wanted something crunchy and sweet. I want to try some of their other offerings sometime, but they run pricey around here. What did you think of them?
  • kitza101
    kitza101 Posts: 99 Member
    I tried a Walden Farms ranch salad dressing once and it made me want to spew! I cannot stand sweeteners like stevia and the like, the taste is really really strong to me, but I know other people can eat it fine and like it. I guess it depends what you think of that flavour and how it affects you :)
  • yakube
    yakube Posts: 6
    I agree with the chemical comment! Can definitely taste it in the chocolate sauce, doesnt quite taste right. But then again for a zero calorie syrup you cant expect too much. More of a fan of the pancake syrup, seems to taste more like a regular product. Problem with the price (like so many products in the UK) is the price, definitely a treat or the odd buy and not a regular cost. Ouch!