

  • congrats by the way! Keep up the good work :)
  • I've lost 21 lbs and now my ring is too big as well. I have to constantly check my finger to make sure it hasnt fallen off. :) I'm just looking foward to the day when my pants start falling off! lol
  • Thank you all so much! You've all given me great and interesting ideas! I bought some yellow squash tonight and I think I will try roasting it along with some onions and seasoning tomorrow as a side for dinner. Hey, it's a start :) I am ready to start experimenting with different foods and I will def try some of the…
  • I've done this diet before and lost weight but as soon as you go back to your normal eating habits, the weight comes right back on plus more. I've always been told that the 3 day diet was a diet plan created for military individuals to make weight for a weigh in if they had around 10 lbs to lose. The safest and most…
  • Thanks every one for all the suggestions. I am going grocery shopping this evening and I'm gonna purchase different things and experiment. I'll let you all know how it turns out. :)
  • I eat 1200 calories a day. I started Jan 9th and have lost 21 lbs. I crave sweets but try not to eat them often. But on the weekends, I allow myself a cheat day to satisfy those sweet craving and a lot of times my cheat day ends up turning into an entire weekend of cheating. I've heard a lot about spaghetti squash but I…
  • Breakfast: Usually oatmeal and a piece of fruit Lunch: Either tuna sandwich or ham sandwich or salad Dinner: Grilled chicken with vegetables or salad or sometimes Subway sandwich Which these are all foods I love but I feel like I am eating too much of them.
  • lol I've lost an automobile tire and guinea pig =)
  • Try Kroger brand Vanilla flavored flakes with almonds. Delicious!
  • When I get to feeling hungry especially late at night, here's what I do. Slice up an apple and dip the slices in 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and drink a bottle of water along with it. It fills me up as if I just ate an entire meal. Hope this helps =)
  • Thank you! 5 lbs is great! I kept telling myself for months that I need to lose weight but I just kept ignoring those thoughts and it was'nt until January when something just clicked in my head and now I am determined to get my weight off! In the past, I would diet for a couple of weeks, lose a little and start feeling…