Looking to offer and recieve encouragement

I am fairly new to MFP and am looking for friends so that we can encourage and inspire each other to reach our goals.I have been dieting since Jan 9th and have since lost 21 lbs! My first goal is to lose 50 lbs by my birthday which is in May.

A quote that inspires me when I have a bad day "What are stumbling blocks and defeat before you, can be stepping stones towards victory if you remain determined"

= ) Feel free to add me


  • jessicabakernyc
    jessicabakernyc Posts: 29 Member
    Wow Kristina! Congrats! That's amazing! I seriously recommitted in January as well, but so far down 5. I'm happy with it though- slow & steady! Please feel free to add me as a friend! I'm looking to connect with motivator buddies as well!
  • KristinaEaton
    Thank you! 5 lbs is great! I kept telling myself for months that I need to lose weight but I just kept ignoring those thoughts and it was'nt until January when something just clicked in my head and now I am determined to get my weight off! In the past, I would diet for a couple of weeks, lose a little and start feeling good and then I would just get off track and never start back dieting. But since the 9th of January, I have slipped here and there but I've picked myself right back up and kept going. I have added you as a friend. I hope that we can encourage and inspire one another throughout this journey! = )
  • deluda
    deluda Posts: 146 Member
    You're doing great already! Feel free to add me as a friend and we can motivate each other.
  • jessicabakernyc
    jessicabakernyc Posts: 29 Member
    That all sounds very familiar! LOL Thanks for adding me!
  • Lana359
    Lana359 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, Kristina! Congrats on the 21 pound weight loss! You can add me as a friend. I'm also looking to to motivate & encourage others. I just started back w/ MFP, Monday, I also started P90X.