

  • WOW! you have a very similar story to the one that I have - except I haven't lost the weight yet... This is so inspirational and I'm so proud of you and I hope that I can be as successful as you... I too have a loving and supporting husband and it's good to see you looking so happy!
  • I don't drink that much every day - just the couple of nights a week a work the third shift at a hotel. Typically I drink 8 - 10, 16 oz H2O bottles per day...Guess I should've clarified that first. It's free for me at the hotel, and I'm trying to cut down on diet soda and caffeine, so I've been drinking water... I also…
  • Thanks for the insight! I have to work on keeping my sodium in check - fairly certain that's where this plateau is coming from...
  • I'm in!!!! i really need to lose about 100lbs this year for health reasons... with mfp and my new fitbit one i hope to stay accountable - the holidays have been tough though:smile:
    in 2013. Comment by kaffane December 2012
  • WOW you look AMAZING!!!! I hope I can have the same success as you!!!
  • :happy: WOW!!! you look great! Thanks for the motivation! maybe i should look into Zumba, i've never tried it before and i have a lot of weight (like over 100lbs) that i want to lose too!