

  • Hmm I lived in a dorm with a very similar dining situation. It's really hard to have a restricted diet when your meals are planned and made by somebody else. I remember trying to cut out dairy when my only primary access to food was the dining hall and it was nearly impossible; almost everything that wasn't meat had cheese…
  • Ouch, I'm not a vegetarian for moral reasons, I just never really liked meat so I never ate it. There are certainly vegetarians in Argentina, I just felt it would be a little close minded of me not to at least try and eat their cuisine, especially since they take such pride in it. Thanks for the tips! I've heard of…
  • Being a happy vegan is all about knowing what to eat. Fake meats like veggie burgers and tofurkey are okay every once in a while, but if you let foods like that make up the majority of your diet, you're going to be miserable. They're super processed and generally aren't as good as their meat counterparts. Same with dairy…