ValeriePlz Member


  • I had three this weekend: 1. Ran the Soldier Field 10-miler on Saturday morning! Not my best time, but not my worst, either. 2. Posed nude for a drawing class for 3 hours on Saturday afternoon - was a bit nervous, but it was awesome to see what they drew and to feel good about my body. 3. Played a bit of tennis yesterday…
  • Breakfast: crab quiche (Julia Child's recipe) with lettuce and strawberry kefir Lunch: leftover deep dish sausage pizza Dinner: risotto, salad, & steamed asparagus
  • OK this is a weird one - I have always kind of wanted to pose as a life model for an art class (i.e. student artists draw me naked). I am going to do it this Saturday! I think it will be a fun, positive experience and I'm looking forward to seeing the artists' work. But it's definitely making me want to take it easy on the…
  • Had two NSVs at lunch: 1. Took a dress to the tailor to be taken in; I haven't been able to wear it for years, got too big in the top 2. Got new passport photos taken for my renewal; have lost 40 lb. since the last one was taken! I look way better now.
  • Two weeks ago I got a lot of parsnips in my CSA box, so I used them up with a recipe for roasted parsnips with lemon and herbs. It was really good. The lemons cut the bitterness of the parsnips.
  • Lately I have been cooking my way through Julia Child's quiche chapter, about one per week. They are fairly light and I like eating them with some veggies. And they are not that much work when you buy pre-made pie crusts (shhhh don't tell her). This morning I am (not) ashamed to report that I ate chocolate almond ice cream…
  • I did not eat any of this delicious-looking pecan cake that my coworker brought in today.
  • I am doing the same thing with my recipe stockpile. This weekend I made the Dutch baby pancake recipe from the New York Times, which I decided to keep. I served it for breakfast by cutting in half for me and the husband and spreading each serving with 1 tbsp. Nutella and 1 sliced banana. You didn't ask for light recipes...…
  • Check out Barefoot Contessa Family-Style from your local library. There are some great recipes in there, and they are built for a crowd.
  • Was able to bench 55 lb. on Monday (which is good for my scrawny-armed self) and completed the Shamrock Shuffle 8K in a PR time of 48:22 (three minutes faster than last year)!
  • Just had to let go of my jeans today, finally. I can officially take them off without even unbuttoning or unzipping them. Time to go shopping.
  • One of my coworkers also noticed, which is nice considering I'm only down about 4 lb. since the beginning of 2018.
  • I friended all you knitters in here. I wish yarn was cardio.
  • Chicago, USA. Very flat, great for running! Ha ha
  • One pound is great! That's 3,500 calories under budget that week!
  • Strength training really helps runners, so keep doing that and running will be easier for you (at least this was my experience). C25K, running apps, and good shoes.
  • I cut in half and roast, as others have said. I like to shred it up, saute it a bit with some spices, then serve it in tacos with black beans or even shredded meat.
  • I hear you. I'm within 10 lb. of goal now, and it feels like my body wants very badly to push me back up to 40+ lb., or at the very least 20 lb.
  • Hoping to get to 150 lb. by mid-summer, or October at the latest. CW 159.
  • - Water - Figuring out what time of day you get most hungry and have some low-cal / healthy snacks on hand - Gum - Knitter over here also!
  • Benched 55 pounds today! I don't remember if I hit this number before, but it's definitely the highest I have ever benched. For a girl with T-rex arms, that's a good accomplishment, haha.
  • I didn't realize that you can get pins & needles more easily with less fat to cushion your blood vessels. It happens way more when sitting or sleeping, or even just leaning on my elbow funny.
  • Breakfast was a PB&J donut, which was delicious but I don't think raspberry jam counts. ;) Lunch will contain riced cauliflower, mushrooms, and pickle in a bibimbap. Dinner will be a carnitas salad at Chipotle, so I think I am hitting my veggie serving goal today (despite the donut!).
  • One banana, about a half-cup of roasted sweet potato (in a taco), 1/4 avocado (in same taco) Dinner will include salad, some leeks, some dried currants, some potatoes.
  • Distance training can definitely make you so hungry that you gain weight rather than losing, if you aren't careful about your logging. I'd run 5 miles, then my body wanted to eat like I ran 20. Last year I did my first half marathon; at the time, it convinced me that I would never want to run a full marathon, but enough…
  • When I was beginning to run, I'd have hip pain for a few days after increasing my distance for the first time (e.g., first 4-mile run, first 5-mile run), but I don't get that anymore (and I don't know if it was bursitis). It's good that you're going to PT. That should help. A very experienced runner friend of mine got…
  • I go to bed between 9 and 9:30 p.m., wake up around 5:30, go to the gym and do 30-45 minutes of something (running, cross-training, lifting), then shower and change. I have grown to love getting ready at the gym. If you find yourself dragging in the morning, pack your clothes and bag the night before.
  • I was diagnosed by my doctor with mild hypothyroidism a few years ago but still managed to lose 20 lb. CICO still applies, you just need more calories out than MFP may tell you (or may need to be medicated). As others have said, get diagnosed, find out how low it is, get treatment if needed.
  • Those are also my stats, except I'm an inch taller, and that's about what my maintenance calories will be. (Depressing.)
  • B - Greek yogurt with cinnamon, orange slices, dried cherries, and Kellogg's Raisin Bran L - leftovers of Mediterranean chicken & rice platter D - North African meatballs with giant couscous S - slice of Ina Garten's Old-Fashioned Banana Cake