mind2Bfree Member


  • Did you face any side effect when going low-carb? I started this a week back and I felt excess bloating and constipation ever since I reduced my carb intake.
  • Thanks guys for your response...just need some sort of positive reinforcement that it is possible for me to get it thru...have been going thru a lot of negativity and like JanJunie said a whole is tuned to getting it off fast for him - which is depressing too. But have to get it down in my head that it needs to be done for…
  • Hey - same me. I too work out during my lunch breaks. I try to fit in one of the les mills classes (RPM/Body pump) to get the max out in 45 mins. Same probs here - the diet. Just dont get time to cook a nutritious meal once back from work.
  • Ur weight loss truly inspiring. I'm turning 30 nxt month and my baby is turning 10 months next week. I had a terrible weight gain during my pregnancy (around 90 pounds)...have managed to lose around 73 and need to get down another 17 pounds to my pre pregnancy weight. Plus need to get down another 30 pounds to reach a…
  • Congrats!!! U say u worked out every day. What kind of workout did u do?