

  • P90x is a tricky one. Maybe consult a nutritionist because I done this workout and you burn a emormous amount of calories in their brutal workout. It is amazing how fast you see results with it though. Just make sure what you eat is indeed enough or your body may go into starvation mode and store more calories than needed.…
  • Im a little late but count me in!
  • I too am new... and I have 2 crazy kiddos that keep me busy when im not at work as a full time nurse! I completely understand being stressed all the time! I just started here last month but have found it to be a huge help. Good can do what you truly set your mind to!
  • I too am taking this as i also have had many unsuccessful weight loss attempts. I had taken this in the past without really modifying my diet. Needless to say I since gained back the weight. This time around Im doing it totally different. I eat a 1200 calorie a day diet but do try best to stay very close to this mark when…
  • I also just recently started but have become to love this website. I am one who also has no exercising motivation and mine is, so far, only from running stairs during my few extra minutes at work. This site makes you see each and every calorie you eat so it does help hold you responsilbe for everyone of them. I too have 2…