30 day shred starting jan 1--anyone in?



  • Heyy all! so last time I started this, i did the entire day 1 part, and i was SOO sore, like SO sore the next day and that night. Like walking up stairs was barely all i could handle. Do you push through the next day even if it feels like it will break you? Sometimes i just avoided stairs and took elevators (at school) last time because i was that sore and it was so tiring to walk up them after the work out, what do you guys do when your super sore? work out? take a break? should i just do the best i can on day 2 so i dont tense up or something or what

    Most important thing is to avoid injuries. Still do the workout (as crazy as it sounds, working out helps make the soreness go away quicker). However, be honest with yourself on if it is a good pain or a bad pain. Good pain is soreness from the previous day. The tricky part is that good pain can still be intense. Bad pain is if you physically cannot do the exercise or collapse. Pulled muscles, strains, and sprains only get worse and it will keep you out of exercising completely until it heals. Make sure you do the exercises correctly and stretch VERY well afterwards. If you do this, than most likely the soreness is a "good, muscles are really getting engaged and you should be proud" pain. Keep going with it and keep moving!

    Also: Advil, Mineral Ice (or IcyHot), stretching, and Epsom salts are your friends! :smile:

    Now to my report:
    After day 1 yesterday, I spent about 10 more minutes afterwards just stretching, especially my arms and back. Then took a long hot bath and let my muscles just RELAX and recover a little bit. Wasn't too sore this morning, but extremely tired. Felt like each muscle was dragging me to the floor. Busy day with packing and end of holiday travel, so couldn't lay around the house as much as my body was begging me to.
    Day 2: ooooooooowwwwwwwies. Definitely could tell which muscles I really worked yesterday. Still no great improvements with how many breaks I felt like I needed to take, but kept pushing to take an isolated break (ex... during the lung bicep curls, would take 5 seconds to catch my breath and just do the curls) Helped more than I thought it would. On the plus side, worked more on controlling my breathing, and didn't need an inhaler break today! BIG whoop!
    Muscles still feel shaky post-workout, but hoping that changes as they get stronger.

    now... MOTIVATION IDEA!!!! :love:
    I found this idea last semester when I was counting down the days until my thesis was due... while trying to stay motivated to work on it.

    I printed out a blank calender template (in this case, a January calender will do). Every day that I worked on my paper (or in this case, exercise) I would put a line (or large X) through the day. If I worked the next day, then I would make another line that connected with the previous day. After a few days, this line would start to look like a chain, and I didn't want to break the chain! To keep the chain going, I had to complete the task! That worked about 1/2 through the time I needed... so I started writing down incentives (something small like a new nail polish or whatever little fun reward you have for yourself) which I could only allow if the chain was unbroken! Had a bigger reward at the end. This idea helped me a LOT and I plan to use it during this month. Wanted to put the idea out there (I want to say the full credit goes to Jerry Seinfeld and how he keeps himself motivated to write jokes..... notice the word "think").

    Now, on to a hot soak in hopes the muscles won't be too mad at me in the morning!
  • ebh1024
    ebh1024 Posts: 186
    Okay I didn't start on Jan. 1....just didn't happen! But I did Level 1 Day 1 today January 2, 2010. I have to say it feels really good to get back to exercising!

    Ready for day 2!!!!
  • ebh1024
    ebh1024 Posts: 186
    Thanks DebbieW for the words of encouragement!
  • Ngavel08
    Ngavel08 Posts: 1 Member
    Im in!! Got 77 pounds to go!! Lost a lot in the past with this workout!! Loved it!
  • mern9697
    mern9697 Posts: 1 Member
    I have done the 30 day shred somewhat inconsistently in the past. It's a pretty good workout. I actually just started it again yesterday, this time with my husband. It's much easier when someone is working out with you! We did level 2 the last 2 nights, and are hoping to eventually get to a point where we will do 2 of the workouts back to back! Good luck!! Count me in!
  • angieskia
    angieskia Posts: 152 Member
    Al righty Got Delayed by a Phone Call from the Hubby. He's A Marine And Currently Deployed Hopefully to Be Home 1st Week of Feb But we neve know the actual date until much closer to the time. I started 30DS because I have just over a Month before he comes home. I've lost 20lbs since Sept '10 now I need to Tone Up. He also wants me to do P90X with him when he gets home. I am in NO WAY in shape for that but I'm Hopeing 30DS will get me Prepped for it.
    ANYWHO.... I'm gona take My measurements again and then get STarted on Day 2. I just hope my Legs wil hold up cuz I'm starting to feel the Burn in My Quads from Last nights workout.

    Weight - 150.0 (in Boxers & Undershirt) CHEST - 36" ARM - 11.25" THIGH 21" WAIST - 29" Hips - 38.5" CALF - 14.5" Weight 3LB Dumbbells
  • jabberjaws77
    jabberjaws77 Posts: 72 Member
    I just finished up another challenge today & was looking for a new one! So count me in starting the 3rd of January. I need the encouragement of a good challenge!!!!
  • Im a little late but count me in!
  • Shannonk507
    Shannonk507 Posts: 252 Member
    Count me in! I will be starting on the 3rd, though. Does that work or should I join another group that may be doing it? :happy:
  • angieskia
    angieskia Posts: 152 Member
    Please feel free to Join the Group. I don't think it is overstrict on the Start Date but I DO think February Would be a bit too late.:wink:
    Just Finished Day 2. I didn't go as deep in the side Lunges as Last night but I did survive the shoulder Raises so I'm Happy about that. Expecting my Quads to be Sore tomorrow since they weren't today but I REALLY Hope not. Night Ladies
  • angieskia
    angieskia Posts: 152 Member
    Just In Case you'd Like to check it out.... Here's my Blog from Day 2
  • Despite my pain and suffering, I completed day 2. and it was definitely a lot easier than yesterday!! My muscles even feel better for it.
  • flems629
    flems629 Posts: 80 Member
    Hey all, did day 3 of level 1. My calories are getting lower, so that might mean I am getting a bit used to it and/or I am not trying as hard cause I hurt! :) I think its a bit of A and a bit of B hahaha But Im still sore so some position hurt. Plus I went to the gym and did 45 min of cardio today so thats why it was also a bit harder tonight. :ohwell:

    Everyone is doing so awesome. I did not really think I would get this response when I asked people if anyone wanted to do the shred. Im pumped by the response and support. I like we have some veteran shredders and newbies :D
  • sdmap8
    sdmap8 Posts: 4 Member
    I am in. New to the boards but not to MFP. I have lost 9 lbs but have a long way to go. I had bought the Shred yesterday after hearing so much about it and starting it this morning. Looking forward to seeing results!
  • jroulo
    jroulo Posts: 50 Member
    I'm in. I have completed days 1 & 2 and I love it. I am sore but it's that all over stiff soreness not any one particular muscle. I have no excuses this week since I'm not working.
  • sdmap8
    sdmap8 Posts: 4 Member
    Day one done! I am really happy with how well I did. It was hard but I made it through! I modified a tiny bit with the jumping jacks because of a bad knee. But I am hoping this will help that too. Looking forward to tomorrow! I feel good!
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    Just got it and going to start tonight. Love that there are so many going to do it cause I need all the support I can get!
  • suzi67
    suzi67 Posts: 162 Member
    Got my shred on today! Didn't stop once, which I usually have to do when I haven't been cosistant with my exercise. I just started a new job as a server in a Sushi restaurant, and I think all that walking and everything else that goes with the job has helped with my endurance. I will be mixing the shred in with my regular gym workout, so my check ins will be sporadic. Good work everyone! Feel free to add me if you want.
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Just finished day 6 of level one. The biggest challenge for me thus far is the last ab workout. That kills me every time, so I modify slightly by switching up the type of crunch throughout. I'm sure I'll get better as I keep going.
  • lizzie2190
    lizzie2190 Posts: 236 Member
    Hi all, just done day 3. struggling on push ups the most. Also need to increase my weights but too scared ! :O X
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