pradamary Member


  • I have been gluten free for a week and a half. I turned to GF food substitutes and wow, did I have a ton of nasty side effects, abdominal pain, diarrhea, malaise, fatigue. I left work early today because I was in so much pain. Tonight I started pro-biotics and I'm feeling a bit better. My plan is to eat single ingredient…
  • I have been of wheat and gluten for a week plus a few days. I've had constant stomach pain, diarrhea and malaise. Today it was so bad I had to leave work early. I have been using some "gluten free" products and wonder if these carbohydrates are making things worse. I've started on a probiotic this afternoon and some alk…
  • In Wheat Belly they suggested not substituting gluten free products. I have been eating a few gluten free products to help me make the transition. Gluten free rice cakes with almond butter, UDI's gluten free bread for toast. There is so much conflicting information out there. But according to the book, eliminating Gluten…
  • I have metabolic syndrome x, a kind of glucose intolerance. I read Wheat Belly this weekend, and have given up gluten for less than a week. As of right now, I'm having terrible diarrhea and abdominal issues. I understand it takes time to heal the gut. Has anyone else experienced this?
  • I was taking Victoza for a few years because of metabolic syndrome, and my endo said it would help me lose weight and it did. I started it before a trip to Italy and for the first time ever, I returned from Italy lighter than when I arrived. I did suffer nausea and loss of appetite and I'm sure that contributed to the…