SimplySusan63 Member


  • WooHoo!!
  • I'm 15 months out. Started at 284, now 219. I still have 65-70 lbs to go and I'm struggling. I'd love the encouragement and advise. I NEED help. I have gone back to a lot of my bad habits. I want so much to get back to my journey.
  • Hooray!! You must be beside yourself.
  • Thanks to each of you for being so honest and transparent. It was so good to read your posts and realize I'm not alone in my "insanity." I have lost 74 lbs and I love the way I feel. I still have about 65-70 to lose and I am so excited about finishing what I've started. But for the past 2 months or so I have been at the…
  • WOW Rob. Thanks for sharing.
  • Thaeda, thank you for your honesty and speaking what so many of us are feeling and thinking. I know I struggle with the exact same thoughts. With all the weight I've lost I'm convinced that it will all go back on at some point. I'm scared. I'm excited. I'm going to wake up and find it was all a dream. I continued with…
  • I have had ice cream (I love ice cream) with no problems. My doctor's office discourages any 'liquid calories' - ice cream, shakes, fruit drinks, etc. Ice cream is considered a liquid calorie because it does not satisfy and keep you full, plus it's empty calories. Just a thought...
  • HOLD ON!! Did you say you lost 30 lbs in 7 weeks? That's amazing! That's wonderful. We are each a little different and the fact that you've lost 30 lbs is amazing! Your body is still adjusting to the severe changes you've made. You'll have big losses and small losses, and you are moving in the right direction. Focus on the…
  • WOOHOO! You're on your way to a better you!
  • I've seen it said time and time again, but the best 2 things any of us can do are WATER and WALKING. I also take VitaFusion Fiber or Target's brand of Fiber Gummies. I take 2 each day and make sure I get at least 64 oz of water each day. When I get constipated I can be sure I'm not keeping up with this regimen.
  • This is also my first holiday season post-surgery. I had to laugh when I read through Rob's message. His comments in the first paragraph (below) made me laugh because I experienced the same disappointment. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because of family, but I also love Thanksgiving food. My stomach was full long…
  • What a great encouragement! Thanks for sharing.
  • I've used the Body Fortress from WalMart which is inexpensive and works out well. As mentioned above, the PB2 (also found at WalMart) is a good way to add protein and flavor, plus it's just dehydrated peanuts - no fillers or additives.
  • Hooray! Thanks for the comparison chart, JM. I love the different perspective. ~Susan
  • That's great Rob. I'm praying for your successful surgery and whole recovery. I look forward to hearing all about it. Susan
  • Woo Hoo! I am so excited for you. You look wonderful. This is such an encouragement to me!
  • WooHoo!! Congrats! Doesn't that feel wonderful?
  • ImAWaterBender: I agree with this sweet lady, April731. Once you have the surgery you don't feel like eating ANY food for a while. When you do start getting your appetite back you will be past the NEED for carbs. I love carbs! I would live on carbs if I could. But the others posted here are correct. Once you get past that…
  • I agree with the comments above. I also chose the sleeve because of the fact there are fewer related complications. Plus the possibility of life long mal-absorption, as well as the higher risks, caused me to choose the sleeve. I felt it was more middle of the road, less severe than bypass. Having said that, I truly believe…
  • It doesn't make me nauseous but the powdery chewable tablets can be difficult. I typically take them with a meal or right before bed. Also, the Calcium Chews are not calcium citrate. Calcium citrate is the most digestible, most useful calcium. Check with your doctor before you take or continue with the Calcium Chews.
  • Candice, I'm sorry you're going through, but I'm glad you chose to share your feelings here. I don't think we realize how much we associate food with friendship and love. Society as a whole sees sharing meals with friends and family. When you are not able to participate in sharing a meal it can really take a toll. But as…
  • I hope you don't mind a word from the old-timer. :wink: I was diagnosed with PCOS in 1984, before there was actually a proper name for it (it was called Stein-Leventhal Syndrome). I spent many years with little or no relief from the symptoms, and eventually the doctor told me I had the worst case he'd ever seen. At 25 I…
  • Another reason (and the most important, I think) is that when you drink right before, during or right after you eat your body doesn't absorb the nutrients it needs. The liquid pushes the food through more quickly and the nutrients can be lost. We are already eating very little so your bodies need all the nutrients it can…
  • Welcome! I had my sleeve done May 5 of this year and I'm feeling really good. I still have a long way to go but I am moving in the right direction. I sent a friend request.
  • You might also talk with your doctor about reducing or eliminating his/her fees.
  • Thanks for sharing this article. It was very encouraging to me. #3 was my favorite. I need to focus on making new healthy habits instead of focusing on breaking old ones. That was a good thought.
  • Hildabean, Thank you for your honesty. You have written exactly what I said in the months leading up to my VSG. I was so afraid of failing at THIS too. I chose to get into counseling to work through some of the things that lead me to 284 lbs in the first place. The counseling helped immensely! I had my VSG May 5 of this…
  • arh0317, you are doing great! Congratulations on your surgery and your choice to get healthy. I am 16 weeks (4 months) out from sleeve surgery, and I still remember the body feelings you're talking about. I would offer these thoughts: 1. Your stomach is still very swollen and probably will be for another month. The very…