Hi I just started taking 70 mcg of levothyroxine today. I am really nervous now. I really do not want to feel worse, I thought I'd start taking the medicine and it would just work! Oh boy......
I just got diagnosed with hypothyroid about two days ago. My symptoms usually come and go also. My weight will fluctuate dramatically without changing my diet and staying on a certain exercise regimen. There will also be periods of time that I am exhausted daily no matter how much sleep I get and I will take naps but other…
Hi, I just got diagnosed with hypothyroidism yesterday. I start taking levothyroxine tomorrow. Ive experienced alot of the same problems with my weight as alot of you. Its soo difficult for me to lose weight and soo easy for me to put it on. Ive kind of nervous with starting with levothyroxine because I read stories of it…