

  • I'm a bit inspired by PamelaNiamh who did this at 54! I'm 51 and read about this and I'm scared to try it. I did break both my feet a couple of years ago and have a bit of trouble with them, and have a bad back, but a lot of that is also weight related.... I hate exercise and need a goal...
  • I think you need one that is suitable for swimming too, something like this..
  • I live in Perth - I can see we have a few Perthites and West Ozzies :) Feel free to add me too :) Currently 3 hours behind the East Coast as no day light saving here (normally 2 hours behind)
  • My husband's family (my step-grandkids) call both of us Papuk - they use the same word for both Grandfather and Grandmother - the language is Sasak from the island of Lombok in Indonesia.