ginchybird Member


  • I have a Body Media Link and I love it. I wouldn't settle for anything less. It tracks so much and I learned a lot about myself from it. It seems pretty spot on for me. I learned how poorly I was sleeping at night from it and how inactive I actually was being a desk jockey and if I didn't go to the gym, my calorie burned…
  • That looks like it's beyond a toning issue. I know because my stomach used to be like that. Even at my thinnest of 117 in 2007 I had a bulgy pooch and I was doing toning exercises. My guess is that you have some bowel build up and gluten intolerance. That was my issue and didn't know it for years. I went gluten free and…
  • Mirrors are tricky devils. Not all mirrors are created equal. Some will make you look bigger while others make you look smaller. A lot of stores use mirrors in dressing rooms that makes you look thinner so you'll buy the clothes. I have 3 different mirrors in my house that I can look in for full body and all 3 of them are…