Alex12smith Member


  • Hope you are all having a great day! Jus tthought I'd pop in and let you know how I'm going... Monday was crazy over, Tuesday was under, then Wednesday was a little over... Haha. So I just need balance my overs and unders to a nice medium :) Wednesday was mainly due to a couple of glasses of wine I had with some friends,…
  • A quick note about frozen food - don't feel bad about frozen vegies, if they're snap frozen :) They often have as much of the goodness of fresh. Not saying you shouldn't eat fresh, fresh is great! But frozen is also great, so do both! :)
  • I'm in! I'm a kiwi so I use Kilos not Pounds, but 20 pounds is approx 9 kilos. Starting weight: 81 Goal by May 29th: 72 My actual goal is approx 65, so if this works, I'll be just over halfway there in 2 months, it's a pretty lofty goal, so I'm not sure if my body will allow me to lose that quickly, but I guess we'll find…
  • Oooh can I join in please? I've been on MFP before, but last time it didn't work for me - I deleted my account because I used to get too stressed when I didn't exactly know the calories of something and would have to guesstimate and then I'd be like, "this day is screwed anyway because I don't know exactly how much tomato…
  • Agree with all of the above. I carry a water bottle with me everywhere - I know that there are 500mls (or 2 cups) in the bottle, therefore I have to drink 4 bottles a day. I aim for one before morning tea, one before lunch, one before the end of my work day (5pm) and one over the evening before bed. I drink more water in…
  • Haha I have been doing the same thing, I've just been trying to do more squats and lunges, and walking up hills. Don't worry about gaining too much muscles, womens bodies don't naturally put on bulk muscles, so it's pretty hard for us to 'accidentally' bulk up (this is what I tell my boyfriend, because he's scared when I…
  • Nike+! Purely because it has the best looking website :)
  • Make your own with yoghurt and berries or something? That'll be healthier? Or if it's the walk, then just go for a walk and listen to some music or an audiobook at lunchtime?
  • I'll be a buddy! I need something similar too, I'm not crazy overweight, just put on a few kilo's from starting a desk job, and I know about health and fitness and what I should be doing....I just need to apply my knowledge and find the motivation to go to bed early so I can wake up early and go to the gym, etc :) So I'll…