Challenge: Lose 20lbs by 5/29!!



  • I'd like to join
    My starting weight is 134 and goal weight is between 100 and 110.
    (if you think that's too little, trust me, for my height, its the right amount. I'm built tiny and shorter than most..)
    I need to get rid of my tummy and enormous butt and I could use the motivation.
  • sunshine421969
    sunshine421969 Posts: 273 Member
    Hi, my birthday is May 26 th ...I would love to lose 20 then.. I have been a little slack over the last few days and need a push..This maybe just what I need..

    SW: 190
  • JessicaN1979
    JessicaN1979 Posts: 142 Member
    I would love to join. My SW is 232 :) I am getting married on a beach in June, so this would be awesome!
  • adacopeach
    adacopeach Posts: 9 Member
    I want to join!!! Trying to get my 70 lbs of babies (twin) weight off. So far, I've lost 54, so I still have a ways to go. Looking forward to the motivation.....I am doing the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution, so i did that today.

    CW- 196
    GW-165 (wedding day weight....for my honey 5 yrs in October)
  • Please add me to this challenge! It will be my first one since I began my journey :) I could really use the chance to meet new people in the MFP community as well as the motivation. THANK YOU! Lea

    SW: 260
    CW: 223.2
    GW (for the challenge): 203.2
    UGW: 150
  • Nulookdotbody
    Nulookdotbody Posts: 48 Member
    I would like to join. I need to get this weight off! I am so tired of going through this year after year. This is my year!

    SW: 232
    #1 GW:180
    #2 GW: 150
  • mrsamyyoung2012
    mrsamyyoung2012 Posts: 33 Member
    I'd like to join the challenge!! My overall starting weight is 271, but this time around I started at 251. My current weight is 233. My goal is 150 for now. I started this because I give blood on a regular basis and I noticed my cholesterol levels were climbing. I am only 22 and that is too early for cholesterol problems!! My mini goal right now is to get in a skirt I got for Christmas. When I started I could barely even get it on unzipped and all. Right now I can get it zipped (barely). I want to be able to rock it! Please add me to the challenge. If I loose the 20 lbs. I believe the skirt will look amazing, and this challenge will keep me motivated.
  • AnnetteNJ
    AnnetteNJ Posts: 29
    I want to join as well! Add as friend please, the more the merrier!

    SW 283
    CW 240
    Challenge Goal 220 by 5/29
    OGW 140
  • mrs_joshica
    mrs_joshica Posts: 275 Member
    The following have been added to the group:

    12FeelGR8 keya729 firstloveyourself Jessie_121980 spectralmoon carolyn000000 r524reed ddb0903 mrswhitmore badzoe nm36424 Icandoitcollegekid sunshine421969 JessicaN1979 adacopeach leastar128 Nulookdotbody mrsamyyoung2012 AnnetteNJ

    For anyone who has been added to the group, make sure you do NOT post your SW & Intro here, but post to the Welcome Group here:
    NOTE: If you have not been added to the group, because of your request here, you will not have access, as it is a private group, so if you want in, make sure to leave a comment here so I can add you! :)
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    I'd love to join!!
  • JennBunny73
    JennBunny73 Posts: 268 Member
    I would love to be added to the group. My stepdaughter is graduating at the end of May so I have a goal event to work hard for.
    SW 198
    GW 159 by end of May
  • Add me I am new to site but love a challenge I would to lose 20lbs
  • Aviflora
    Aviflora Posts: 85 Member
    Ooh! Oh oh oh I am in! I mean, if I lose 20 pounds, that'll make me 100, which is... Maybe a little too tiny. But I definitely want to get down to 110! :D

    Boy am I glad my dad ate the rest of my Ben & Jerry's now!
  • IamL
    IamL Posts: 69 Member
    Am I allowed to join? I'm actually about 13 pounds away from my goal weight, but I would love to join and get some motivation for finally reaching my goal. I've been stuck at this weight for too long now (and I've actually gained about 3 or 4 pounds...) Definitely could use some motivation.

    SW: 133
    GW: 120
  • joyeepugh
    joyeepugh Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in 20 by your birthday will put me in line for reaching my goal well before my August birthday!

    SW 195
    GW 175
  • I'd like to join in! SW 168, CW 160, GW 120 Looking forward to this challenge!
  • Alex12smith
    Alex12smith Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in!

    I'm a kiwi so I use Kilos not Pounds, but 20 pounds is approx 9 kilos.
    Starting weight: 81
    Goal by May 29th: 72

    My actual goal is approx 65, so if this works, I'll be just over halfway there in 2 months, it's a pretty lofty goal, so I'm not sure if my body will allow me to lose that quickly, but I guess we'll find out! :)
  • Count me in please I've already got a goal for that week I'm leaving on vacation that following weekend I think this group will be just the motivation I need to get where I want to go

    CW- 238.2
    GW- 209.0

    Its 10 more pounds but I need to lose it
  • lalaokoro
    lalaokoro Posts: 10 Member
    I want to join. I lost almost 45 lbs last year. I slack off started eating out again and not I am wanting get back to where I was. SW=256. I really want to lose 45 lbs and be able to maintain that weight loss. I hate feeling like I have failed and I am starting all over again, however, I know this is something that has to be done. Thanks for the opportunity:smooched:
  • mrs_joshica
    mrs_joshica Posts: 275 Member
    The Following have been added:
    4loveofkids JennBunny73 Shirlette38 Aviflora joyeepugh IamL AshburnhamGrl Alex12smith plfdemt5 lalaokoro
    Don't forget your first post goes here: