

  • Hi , I would like to join : )
  • For a while now I have attempted to drop refined sugars, coffee, white products and eat more clean raw foods. I would love to join in and get some great tips and help achieving a healthier lifestyle.
  • Im not on the waiting list as yet, but they know of me. It is a long process here, they want to have all medical areas covered before they even put you on the list. Maybe I am not as bad, but I feel better since I have been on the oxygen. I really hope you can loose that extra bit so they can out you on that list if you…
  • I am doing yoga for breathing and stretching. A rebounder with light bouncing is good to get the body moving a bit. I went to an Anthony Robbins Event recently and he some fantastic content about eating better and living with a alkaline diet and also not eating animal flesh and sourcing your proteins through raw foods and…
  • Im trying to stay on oxygen and eat healthy and do some light exercises to avoid the transplant - I need heart and lung. But after making some minor changes and already seeing some changes, Im starting to get curious as to eliminating any foods that don't serve me.
  • Hello. My name is Angela. I too have your exact situation. I have Pulmonary Hypertension and Pulmonary Fibrosis. I am on oxygen Part time and feeling Fantastic. If you would like to chat more, Id love to connect. I am In Sydney Australia. How are you doing at the moment?