Hi u can add me, I'm on my 7wk of insanity.
I think its moderation. I have read that we naturally take longer to digest bread, hence bloating feeling. I'm easting weight watchers malt loaf at them mo, then switch to a brown, so i get a varied diet and taste.
I have to wet the chest strap every time I use it.
Hi, I'm doing ok, although not seeing a huge change to my bod :( or weight loss which I guess IS getting to me, as I'm taking it seriously, with Protein shakes etc. I am improving tho and feel stronger. Thats great u have mates to work out with. I work out in the lounge in front of my dogs. Is wk 4 any easier? Can I add u…
Hiya , I'm looking for new friends, feels free to add me :)... fyi i'm the woman in my pic.. maybe I should change it :)
Hi, I log daily and want a life style change too, so feel free to add me :)
Hiya, I know how you feel, Ive popped on a huge amount of weight in the last year from stress and I sooo need and want to lose 24lbs. Feel free to add me. I'm in the UK :0)
Hiya, add me too :glasses:
Hiya, you know I did the same a couple of months ago. its great to start a fresh :)
Hiya, good for you hun. I'm also the heaviest Ive even been and would like to lose weight too. We can do it :smile:
UK, Kent