santd Member


  • I have 3 evil vices 1) hard cheese 2) crisps 3) wine. I've had to abstain again from them its all or nothing with me. But i have just become more astute of the hidden sugars in fruit and veg, milk, grains. I've altered my counter now to show me sugar not fats. as sugar is the killer not fats.
  • WOW... that will take some time to say!! but i have over the years recognized my weight patterns, and starting to understand myself more these days. It all began with a vile boy who lived next door to me, I had to walk to school with him every day, and i hated it. He was thin and wiry, I was plump. The class one day (I was…
  • I must admit when i used to use MFP exercise calculations they were way over estimated. I had to save my own calculations when working out on the stationary bike, rowing machine, and treadmill is a lot lower but closer to the real figure. If you eat into their figures, you could be eating calories you haven't really burnt.…
  • Ok you'll have to look me up under GROUPS then I'll call it 'WEEK-END WEAKNESS" come and join me. I won't continue on this message board.
  • personally i would eat a good lunch, then something light after your work out. If you eat shortly before working out and jumping about, you'll make yourself sick.
  • no..... if that was the case, I'd ask for another 5 inches myself to stop my husband calling me a hobbit!
  • HI ya, I had an knee operation 4 weeks ago, and I'm on crutches and can't get about very well. Initially i was concerned with weight gain, but not any more. I spent my time devising different routines to use throughout the day, together with my physiotherapist. I've started a group with exercises in there, no one has…
  • Bed time & early morning exercises. Just before I get up I lie flat on the bed and do 40 stomach crunches. I then bend one knee as high to my chest as possible, with my other leg lifted about 20 inches off the bed and stretched out, then I change over legs in a smooth action, as your pushing one leg down and stretched your…
  • I'm not allowed to put my foot to the floor, so it makes my mobilty really difficult, and going walking is out of the question at present. So all of my normal exercise routines have gone out of the window. But as you are all aware, if you're not active, then you need to eat less or you gain weight. I was really aware of…
  • The problem is, most low fat foods make up that loss with adding sugar. Most fruits are high in sugar. I like to have 2 pieces of fruit a day, but will have many (around 10 if poss) different vegetables a day.
  • My surname is quite fitting as well.... its Sant. I only need to put an A on the end lets hope my wishes come true for christmas and with hard work I get there.
  • Hi..I've been dieting for 2 years now, and only just started to suffer from acid!!!!! as opposed to when i over ate and never suffered from it at all. I'm trying to eat smaller meals but more regularly, to see if that helps. But it could also be a specific item of food that doesn't agree with your stomach. So that's a…
  • and to you all....if you don't achieve your goal the Christmas Ghost will come calling. Ah Ah Ah aarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........
  • It will be so difficult with all of these Christmas do's going on, but are you ALL dedicated to NOT over indulging, for get into that sexy number for Christmas. I think we need to make it a competition. who ever hits their goal for Christmas, all of the above has to send a big CONGRATULATIONS message. Its lovely to have…
  • I've got to lose between 1-1.5 pounds per week. This will be hard for me, because I seem to celebrate a good week with a bad week. So I've got to cut out the bad weeks. By the end of October I need to be 3 pounds lighter.. I will accept 2.5 pounds Small steps, to get to November. You all need to come back and log your…
  • Because I suffer with arthritus as I'm now over 50, and been over weight for most of my life, my joints now pain me. Even though I've now lost all of my weight (198 pounds ). Its true that you can be very over weight, and your body is still starving of nutrients. Usually due too poor choices in food. A healthy diet with…
  • take some supplements to make sure you get all the vitamins and minerals you need. Then focus on trying to make sure you at least have one good healthy meal per day. keep a log of how many bad to good you have, then try to reduce the bad slowly. everyone has a little sweet/fat stuff. but try not to just eat that, try and…
  • I've been dieting for 2 years and lost over 197 pounds. I've still got 10 pounds to lose. I have got frustrated with that last 10 pounds as it doesn't want to budge.I've played around with it for over six months. Sometimes gaining a few pounds thinking I'll never get their, letting my defeatest attitude take over and give…
  • Brits use old weights..14 stones is 196 pounds, LOST
  • I've not to weight bear for 5 weeks, so the new cartilage forms if I walk on it, all the operation would be for nothing and ruined. I'm due to see the physio in 3 weeks time. I'm trying to stay focused on my diet at present, and to do some stomach crunches, and arm and chest movements. I've noticed when i get worn out…
  • OMG.....Wow you look great, well done. you don't look the same person at all.
  • Hi my friend, As your body weighs less, your intake has to get less too! I started off on 2,200 calories, but now on 1,200 calories. I usually knock my calorie intake down when my weight loss stops. But believe me to get down to your target weight you will have to slowly reduce your calorie in take. I've been pondering…
  • I used to be a nurse, and when you talk about your daily intake its your diet. just terminology. I didn't mean going on a diet. As I think you see it. Everything you eat is your diet, whether it good or bad.
  • where did I say it was scientific!!!!!!! its what i did to experiment on myself that worked on my appetite. It was to help and encourage others, not for self opinionated people to ridicule.
  • I would say I follow all of those except the potatoes, they are a good veg, and helped me lose my 196 pounds. To explain all the rest you would have to look up the complex nutrients of each, like the simple apple, and i haven't got enough space to write it all down, but apples are very good eaten at the end of a day for…
  • I also set myself little treats like this. Usually, new dresses, hairdo, new pair of shoes.