I really got all the advice I needed on the subject. Thanks to those who provided it. As for burning fat off I just got t25 and I plan on starting tomorrow however I developed a summer cold over the weekend :/ so it depends on how I'm feeling, 101 temp and runny nose and watery eyes... Working out just doesn't sound like…
Thanks for the advice! Very helpful.
I think I'm done arguing about detoxing with complete strangers, I get it, majoriy rules.. it's bad, and ineffective, and imaginary... lol. happy Labor Day everyone Have a good holiday!
I completely couch to 5k and I absolutely loved it! I remember re doing several days through the program because it got really hard at times, but I finished it and could confidently run 30 min straight. It felt like a miricle for me! I'm really excited to start 5k-10k! Keep up the good work!
Thanks for that. I wasn't upset just disappointed, I always figured if you don't know, ask! I can understand how conversations can get heated, I honestly just love mfp and I have been using it for a long time, and I have always had nothing but positive ( and by positive i dont neccessarily mean in my favor) responses to…
It's not really cool because people come here for help and get treated like morons because they don't know something? I'm learning about living a healthy lifestyle. It's a process and when I ask question I want honest, helpful feedback. Constructive criticism and learning how to give positive and correcting feedback is…
By the way I am a mother and an elementary educator. Not a druggy.
I really thought mfp was a place for people to share their thoughts and ideas and stories and advice so we can all work on living a healthier lifestyle... I have no problem being told that something I thought about doing is not a good idea and won't do what I have been made to think it will, however the rude remarks are…
I wasn't really looking for a detox as a way to lose weight I just thought it may do some good physically. I drink socially and I am not always the best eater, but I'm not terrible by any means. So I was more looking at the health aspect of it, and if I lost weight along with it I thought hey, that wouldn't be so bad…
Thanks, I didn't realize the word detox would set people off :/ the people that work at my local healthy habits store encourages a cleanse to rid the body of bad toxins... But thanks for the solid information! Just telling me detox is a bad really does nothing for me. Lol
I totally feel ya. I just can't seem to get rid of this weight. I'm starting t25 focus and I'm really excited to see the scale move, or at least some NSV's.
My goal weight is 123, but I think at this point 125 would be amazing. I was actually trying to decide if that was a realistic goal foru weight. Sw: 160 Gw:130 UGW: 123! I'm 24 years old and am currently sitting at 131.4 and I fee as though the scale just won't budge!
Thank you!