

  • have done the hardest bit by admitting its time to get back into it. I found that joining in classes helps with the motivation because normally your class mates all have common they all want to get fitter....stay fitter and or lose weight. There is no better feeling than completing a hard…
  • Hi Im new too.......good luck with your goals. Cant advise on the EA sports exercises but with regards to the gym why dont you ask one of the instructors to note down for you the exercises your doing and then search them in the MFP database. If your doing cardio work on machines they should have digital readouts that you…
  • now Im totally confused...........I thought BMI was an airline????
  • Hi thanks for that....defo not boredom I am working til late (with food) 6 days a week. I was always under the impression it wasnt good to go to bed full of snacky things....My calorie count is fine and i have plenty in the bank at that time of night....its just maybe habit and im sure i can break for a hobby, two…
  • Scotland...near Gleneagles..Hi Ya.