Ckayfaitel Member


  • YES! A lot of people I know have lost a lot of weight using this app. I hope we are as successful! I'll be cheering you on along the way. Keep me updated on your progress. Chrissy
  • Hi! I am trying to get my body "baby ready" also. It sounds like you have some good support already through your husband, but if you'd like we can motivate each other here as well. I like reading the newsfeed and being aware of what exercise and food choices people are making. I started today and I already felt like it was…
  • Hi! I just started using myfitnesspal and I have been looking for other nurse night shift workers like myself to for motivation. My schedule consists of a bunch of randomly assigned 12 hour shifts. I am an ED nurse and it can be so hard when you're running around all night with no time to eat and then when the shift is…