Night shift or nurse

Hi i'm looking for other night shift people or other nurse to helo moritivate each other !!!


  • Hello, I am a fellow niter!!! I would like motivation as well as give it. Sometimes my binge eating happens in the wee hours of the night when I'm bored. Who am I going to call??? Nobody..So add me if you like...
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I am a nightie as well. And like Laquita I end up eating out of bordom. And now that I have quit smoking I need all the more motivation.
  • Bobanji
    Bobanji Posts: 79 Member
    Feel free to add me. I work 4 days on and 4 days off doing 12 hour shifts 7-7. Two day shift then 2 night shifts. Its very hard to stay healthy doing night shift or pretty much any shift work. During the day shifts I'm usually fine but on my first night shift I find myself eating an extra meal and then snacking all night. And then switching day shift to night shift every week really affects my sleeping habits in a bad way. I tell ya its hard as I'm sure you know. Well anyways feel free to add me and anyone else who wants some night shift support.
  • Im a night shifter....not a nurse but a Respiratory Therapist. Please add me...I know how hard it is to lose weight and eat right on night shift. Maybe have some others in the same situation would help.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    there is a running thread for Nightshift workers here, it really helps pass the time at night plus you can find new friends and chit chat
  • auntiejojodobbie
    auntiejojodobbie Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, there. I, too, am in nursing and struggle with my eating habits at work. I no longer work shifts but still struggle fitting in proper meal breaks, even in Out Patient clinics!

    Something I have learned is to prepare snacks in advance so that even if you end up 'grazing' during the day, at least if won't be rubbish food.

    Clearly you have a lot on your plate (metaphorically!) at the moment and eating healthily is a must for you on so many levels. I hope that you have much support at home, with family and friends, but if I can help to inspire you to succeed, that will help to inspire me.

    Good luck and holla if you feel a slip coming on.


  • themollendorns
    themollendorns Posts: 2 Member
    Hello my fellow night shifters =). I am going on year 3 of working night shifts as a Nurse, and am just desperate to get into a better eating and exercising schedule. Anyone have any tips that work for them?? It is so hard to eat right when my only option, at the hospital, is Wendys (lol).
  • Ckayfaitel
    Ckayfaitel Posts: 4 Member

    I just started using myfitnesspal and I have been looking for other nurse night shift workers like myself to for motivation. My schedule consists of a bunch of randomly assigned 12 hour shifts.

    I am an ED nurse and it can be so hard when you're running around all night with no time to eat and then when the shift is over I just want to reward myself with cheesy eggs and home fires. I just really need to make an effort to prepare food ahead of time and bring in.

    I'm interested to hear whether people exercise when they work 12 hour night shifts? Sometimes I work 3-4 in a row, which means I don't work out for 3-4 days straight! I was wondering if I should start to try to get in a quick workout after my shift at 8am, even if it's just after the last shift in a row.

    Anyway I guess I would love to have others on my news feed who are trying to lose weight while working nights!

    Thanks, Chrissy